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What can causes bad trips or loops on dmt

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I recently extracted some dmt, currently it's yellow but I plan to recrystallize... For a bit of background I've smoked dmt about 30 times I'd say so I'm not brand new to the elf spice but I am a rookie I'd sY but I've shared quite a bit with others. I have had one horrible experience from dmt which was a terrifying ego with an absolutely never-ending loop I thought I died and my fiancee and brother in law were just part of my dead/perma trip state. I thought I'd never hold my child again and I severely messed up. I screamed for probably a few minutes. Ever since then I've been afraid to take 2 hits at once again. I just take one Long good one and have encountered the entities in a life changing experience that I will never forget from that one hit. Anyways today I smoked some of my extracted dmt and o almost immediately entered a loop (this loop wasn't shit compared to the first one) I panicked for about 2 seconds but realized I wasn't slipping, reminded myself I'd be OK, and walked to the living smoked a cigarette and sat in earshot of my fiancee. What reasons are there that dmt will throw you into a loop? If I had a shitty day or was upset at work and kinda fought with the wife a lil bit a while before smoking, could that affect it? Especially if I didn't clear my head like I usually do? I wasn't tense or scared when taking the hit but almost Instantly it feels or like I hit a mental wall with my mind MD I was in the loop just like that. It was very manageable though, lasted 6 minutes
I have only had a couple strong looping-type experience. They were many years back. Not sure what causes them, they're hard to accurately pin down ime. I know both times they happened, it was when i'd been smoking cannabis prior, not sure if that contributed. But other than that, me and my good friend, we were both in great moods, laughing, incense, normal lighting, in lawn chairs overlooking the property. The one last thing that might have contributed in some way was the fact that we smoked completely random; like we we're just relaxing and laughing, picked up the pipe without much thought, lit it, go. That randomness mixed with other potential factors could be the cause.

It's hard to pin any sort of cause and effect when it comes to the experience (at whatever point of the experience pre-during-post). Slippery place we slide around in, hyperspace.
Running bear you may be right on the head recently I've been worrying about money and whatnot as the dmt extraction has set my wallet back a ways and I'm about to have my first kid (when I said again in the op it was a typo) and things have been kinda crazy my moms probably got uteran cancer they have to operate on her, my drug addicted brother is homeless and now his vehicle was impounded, when I have issues I like to get on facebook and debate politics with people and before with dmt I smoked it and I just stopped feeling a need to get on it again but I went a while without and elf sand and then I started debating again to take my mind off things. do you think having a troubled mind you should sort through things for days or maybe a couple weeks before smoking dmt again? Perhaps I was subconsciously doing it to ease myself which I know is never a good idea with Amy psych they are for inner exploration not distracting from problems... Anyway do you think that sounds DSLR about right? I should lay off for a bit and be fine once I find inner peace with myself and life's crazy bullsh!t ?
Also it may be worth noting that after the loop ended I closed my eyes and something inside myself spoke to me (does anyone else have an inner voice on dmt?) I also speak in an unknown language that I let out when I enter a meditative trance state in the comedown or on a low dose during the peak and it's like an ancient or alien language but I have to completely empty my mind and let my innermost thoughts guide my lips... Am I just making all that up because it feels so real when I do it like someone is speaking through my mind to myself.... IDK... Anyways after the loop the voice told me I have become to preoccupied with dmt and I need to prioritize my daily responsibilities better and to let go of the resentment or whatever heavy emotions I am carrying that made me seek a release in the first place that in some way I may have subconsciously had when I smoked it. I have noticed a greater capacity for self control since encountering dmt perhaps I've been wasting it? What do you all think I know it's a lot to respond to just pick what stands out I guess... Please respond any advice is appreciated
Running Bear said:
Depression and unresolved issues cause bad trips. I think you should lay off the DMT for a little while.

Gonna try to give the short answer. Yep, you have something in the back of your mind unresolved. The mantra or chant is you trying to take you mind away from that thing.
At least in my experience. Maybe come back to dmt in a bit when you're in a different mindset. I find it's usually a short phrase or a song hook for me.
Take care friend.
TrustLoveMan said:
Running Bear said:
Depression and unresolved issues cause bad trips. I think you should lay off the DMT for a little while.

Gonna try to give the short answer. Yep, you have something in the back of your mind unresolved. The mantra or chant is you trying to take you mind away from that thing.
At least in my experience. Maybe come back to dmt in a bit when you're in a different mindset. I find it's usually a short phrase or a song hook for me.
Take care friend.

Thank you... I always seem to know with dmt where my levels are and how far not to go. I'm glad the loop was as manageable as it was. Ive been confused from weed worse than that honestly. But after the inner voice oeft I enjoyed the last few minutes of the trip. So I don'tthink it was trying to punish me harshly it seems to be a lesson of love perhaps. Dmt is very loving
...thoughtlessly buttering entities, like saying: '... you are a genius' (..to any of them)

Stuff like that might trigger a looping. And also, in some human societies (former haoma drinking lands) -- this would be considered 'evil eye'.
Intezam said:
...thoughtlessly buttering entities, like saying: '... you are a genius' (..to any of them)

Stuff like that might trigger a looping. And also, in some human societies (former haoma drinking lands) -- this would be considered 'evil eye'.

Evil eye? What does that mean?
I tried waiting a few hours relaxing doing what I enjoy after Cleaning the house up a bit and tried 30mgs. Same exact thing but this time it was like these stony entities were denying me access and told me I couldn't go through.... WTF. Is dmt mad at me? I have been trying to be a better person to people I encounter since smoking the spice. I have tried molding my life around values that I believe are important and being good to my fellow man... I can't imagine why Dimitri has such an issue with me he would send guardians to keep me in a loop to stop me from having a good experience. This dmt is quite yellow if that could make a difference? But I believe it would be just a weaker experience with less visuals and maybe feel a little different but not be a surefire way to enter the loop.... I've never even heard of anything like this nor can I find anyone else who has. Maybe I should take a break from it for a much longer time, recrystalize it, meditate for a few days and then try again... What do you think?
Sandman96 said:
Intezam said:
...thoughtlessly buttering entities, like saying: '... you are a genius' (..to any of them)

Stuff like that might trigger a looping. And also, in some human societies (former haoma drinking lands) -- this would be considered 'evil eye'.

Evil eye? What does that mean?
(we think..) ..this believe/superstition has to do with many things, the condition of being a stranger, having lack of aadaab (آداب) or familiarity with local (forms of) respect or lacking mindfulness, alertness or having wild yearnings (forever young, healthy, envy, lust, intelligent....etc) anyway, the humanoid context may not have much to do with what we wrote above....just as a reference point for something distantly similar. Anyway, your 2nd description sounds moar like a classic lock-out.
Dosage can contribute. You can trip a 100 times and the psychedelic experience will still be mindblowing once a month or so has been passed and the brain forgot. Try a Propranolol or Benzo pretreatment for anxiety issues (careful, no MAOIS with Prop.).
Why hyperspace does anything it does can often be a complex issue. I think that burning the DMT can have something to do with it. There have been some loops that I've gotten caught in where I think they were the result of "looping" consensual reality sounds. Speaking for myself (though I know that many others can relate), the visual light phenomena of hyperspace are intrinsically linked to sound. Sometimes when i would get the loops, I would be near the refrigerator where its hum would be audible, or the AC would be running. Because in my experience, DMT often uses its own sounds to modulate the experience like a television remote sending signals to the TV, when there are monotonous sounds from consensual reality, they can modify the visual aspect of the experience, preventing "forward motion" in the "plot."
Global said:
Why hyperspace does anything it does can often be a complex issue. I think that burning the DMT can have something to do with it. There have been some loops that I've gotten caught in where I think they were the result of "looping" consensual reality sounds.

The only times I looped was from too high of dosage (definitely angered the "gods" with that one) and during a shut out. I can usually get to hyperspace in one hit at most 2 with Dmitri that's any count at least do I've never heard it burn when I'm in hyperspace. Buy I've never gone to hyperspace and been at all able to concentrate on any sounds. I have played trance music before and IMO it helped the experience. But during the peak I couldn't really understand anything in the song. Have you noticed you have never looped somewhere quiet?
Sandman96 said:
Buy I've never gone to hyperspace and been at all able to concentrate on any sounds. I have played trance music before and IMO it helped the experience. But during the peak I couldn't really understand anything in the song. Have you noticed you have never looped somewhere quiet?

IME your concentration/awareness (and especially understanding) is not required to achieve the synesthetic effect. It's not about looping somewhere quiet too because I think it can occur where hyperspace's own sounds loop in such a way. I haven't looped in years, so I can't say with any certainty if I looped in "silence."
Sometimes we have to face something we don't like about ourselves, the world or something else going on, especially if it is long buried in the subconscious, and to keep avoiding it causes us to suffer more. I always suggest to people on their first journey to dive into the thing they fear, they will be fine, and this is where they have lost power in their lives. These are the places where we can take our power back from the things that caused us not to be centered.

Consciousness loops are like being caught on an electric current, can't knock yourself off it on your own, someone has to come a long and bump you off. Might be good to have a friend there to take care of you and knock you off the loop if you get stuck.
It's been a while since I had the loops but I recall them sucking. Didn't feel like I could get myself out during them either, which made me more anxious and panicky. I think learning to relax is a important lesson for me. I also have this idea that the loops may be ego attachment, and story. Stories make up how I understand the world when sober. Often when I die in a trip I try to choose what to change or who to be next and I usually end up choosing who I was as a pretty good choice, just with a little more love and detachment next time. Do I make sense?
imo The animal Mind connects to server, senses death/ DMT senses your not on earth and alerts the guards/r core, to start flight or flight response .

where as normally the animal mind is in a loop with your libido , but once it breaks and connects to server the above stuff happens.

Running Bear said:
Depression and unresolved issues cause bad trips. I think you should lay off the DMT for a little while.

totally agreed. Do it only when you are in 100% complete right frame of mind. The results will be amazing if good intentions and right reasons to use it. A lot of people use it for the wrong reasons and it will catch up with you in the end.
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