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What's the purpose?

Migrated topic.
self exploration... an infinite being has infinite possibilities in how it manifests itself and is dynamic in nature just to simply be...
without it, everything else wouldn't exist.. or would exist but as a jelloten blob seeping through the cracks of nothingness.

hmm, interesting warrensaged
An infinite being wouldn't be self-conscious as there was no possibility for it to be(?)... And would need to create us and everything else with limitations as self-awareness and individuality comes with the limitations and restraints we and everything else exists has, so it can gain self-awareness(?).
Purpose in creation?

I've read a lot of Near Death Experiences and trip reports, and the impression I get is "because it is possible".

So the great purpose is to have fun.

Some people might argue that pain and suffering, which are perhaps the most troublesome aspects of life, aren't very fun, but from the divine perspective they may be extreme forms of play.

For example, the other day I found a video on YouTube, that purported to be that of a baby swearing. I listened and watched carefully to see this baby swear, but suddenly it turned into a shrieking demon. Just a prank video. I was of course deeply shocked, and then I was furious. I began to write an abusive comment, but then I saw thousands of other such comments, and I saw my fear/rage reflected in them. Then I laughed and laughed, and felt high on the emotion of it all. I then felt thankful towards the prankster.

Maybe God is just a cosmic prankster.
I have been lurking on this forum for quite some time, perhaps this is the time to interject.

VisualDistortion said:
What possible purpose could a being that is infinite in every manner have?

To experience its infiniteness, would be my guess.

VisualDistortion said:
How can it explore in it has infinite knowledge? It knows everything.

To know is not the same as to experince, at least not to me.

It was once said; You may know your self to be gracious, but until you do something that exhibits grace, you have nothing but a concept.

It is in this light that action and experience are valuable, at least to me.

Perhaps the infinite being knows itself to be most awesome in every way. This knowing requires no physicality, it is only a concept. However to experience this awesomeness, physicality might be required. Hence the resulting incarnation(s) and seemingly infinite possibilities of experience to be had, both “good” and “bad.”

What else is there for an infinite being to do but experience its awesomeness, and the opposite?

At least this is my best guess at an answer to your question, based on my readings that have resonated with my experience thus far.

Nice forum you all have here.
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