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When felt experience reveals truth and melts away ideology

Migrated topic.
Option 2, but the wording is a little harsh. I wouldn't use the words "suffer the weight" and "atone," but if his experience is gonna motivate him to help others and spread the word, by golly, let him! It is now in his nature to "atone for his sins."

Forgiveness is a moot point. Everyone is forgiven whether we feel it or not.
Option 1, his sense of guilt will help no-one. Plus, he says at 1:46 "for one reason, my wife and I are gonna educated every damn person in this state about it," which rather helps if he's been following this through.

My inner :twisted: says, "Boot's on the other foot now, eh?"

Just waiting for global sanity to prevail on this matter.
Option 2, though I have to agree with RhythmSpring about the wording.

It's great that he's realized cannabis isn't what he had been told, and that he wants to educate people, but those 300+ people likely had their lives ruined and will never get that time back - assuming they're even out of prison. People are still dying behind bars while serving outlandish sentences for cannabis-related crimes, mandated by people like him.

Education is cool and all, but unless he's proactively working to repair the harm done to the individuals he sentenced, and keeping more people from entering the prison system, I don't think he deserves a gold star simply for being somewhat reasonable after-the-fact.

Also, he only seems to care about people using cannabis for medical reasons. From what I can tell, at least from that tiny snippet, he doesn't seem to mind that the vast majority of people incarcerated for marijuana are there for using it recreationally or for providing it to other people. What's up with that? :?:
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