Rising Star
q21q21 said:SWIM just tried 3ml worth of oil yesterday and he was actually very disappointed.
He drank the mix down and chased it with as much water as he could drink, then a small bowl of oatmeal.
It should be mixed with milk or something thick or the DMSO will pull the elemicin through the walls of your stomach. But I don’t this is what went wrong. It should be VERY STIMULATING if that happened.
q21q21 said:The "trip" came on slowly, started to feel around T=1:30 and definitely went past the initial stages but when he was there it was very sedating.
It was also filled with side-effects, he had a slight headache, constant stomach discomfort and he was yawning like crazy.
This is the effect of myrcene and not elemicin. There is something definitely wrong. Elemicin is should not be at all sedating, but myrcene definitely is. Those are the effect of myrcene. Somehow it got into your extract. I wonder how.
What kind of DMSO are you using? It is somehow pulling myrcene into your product.
q21q21 said:The whole experience lasted about 4.5 hours and he was left extremely exhausted and with a headache that went on for another 4 hours after the end of the trip.
To be honest he contemplated flushing his elemi, it was so bad.
Just a single person's trip report mind you.
That doesn’t sound like elemicin at all. It should be stimulating, not sedating, and the effects should last 8 hours, not 4. That's myrcene you're experiencing. Maybe your oil is extremely low in elemicin?
SWIM has given his oil out to several others, and a few have taken up to 4 ml extracted into DMSO, and none of them reported sedative effects. So something is definitely wrong.
Do you have a UV light? Can you check the color of your DMSO with the UV light?
What does your oil smell like? It should smell like nutmeg and roses. The nutmeg scent should be strong because that's the scent of elemicin.