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Baby steps and then freefall.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

A little bit of an essay here, but I really need to share this.

I'm just a guy, almost 40, professional IT person, lifelong interest in psychedelics. I've been interested in DMT for years but never really committed to it before. A good friend of mine send me a gram of 50/50 changa he made and I got it today.

So after putting the kids to bed I told my wife what I was doing and that I was going to take it easy. I then went in the lounge where there's a nice pink globe salt lamp and put on some ambient music. I laid a soft towel on the couch and then went back in the kitchen and packed a pipe, perhaps half a pipe. I then went back to the lounge and tried to prep myself mentally. Lot's of clearing thoughts, deep slow breaths, clearing my energies. Here I go.

I took the pipe in one solid hit and even before I was finished taking it in the world was starting to obliterate. Flowers turned into strobing horizontal and vertical lines throughout my vision. I only just managed to put the pipe down and lay down. Despite many years of psychedelic experience it was hard not to panic. I was thinking "What have I done to myself?". The noise that had started as a low hum was deafening and my teeth felt like they were melting and falling to pieces in my mouth. The closed eye visuals were inexpressible and my breathing was getting out of control. I started talking myself down, explaining it was just a drug and it would soon pass. I opened my eyes and everything was made out of huge blocks, not unlike an insane version of Minecraft. I looked around the room and everything was made of squares and rectangles. The blocks were becoming bigger and bigger, filling my vision and I closed my eyes again. Back to the CEV's which were much more comforting (less scary) than the OEV's. I drifted a while, then suddenly it stopped... I opened my eyes and even though my vision was crazy and morphing I was definitely coming out of it. The way I would describe the experience is terrifying, but amazing at the same time... Mostly terrifying. About 15 or 20 minutes had passed but it seemed liked just 2 or 3 minutes.

So... I went and told my wife that it was crazy AF and tried to explain a little, but decided not to. I then went and brushed my teeth and drank some water, let a little time pass. I told my wife that I was going to do it again. She said "Of course you are", she knows me very well. I knew that it would be better the second time now I knew what to expect. I packed another pipe, slightly larger, and went back to the lounge.

This time I wasn't scared. My vision started to break up again before I put the pipe down, but I persisted and took a 3rd hit to finish it. I lay back and closed my eyes. The noise seemed incredibly loud and I could hear rattling and clanging in the hum. The visuals were just amazing and morphing from shape to angle to shape. The colour purple seemed to be at the center of every formation. Then a sky pushed back out of the pressing kaleidoscope. It was the strangest sky I've ever seen. There was no up or down, I was just floating in infinity. The sky was white, red, blue and green all at the same time. Huge rectangles flying in grid patterns were coming in from both sides of me on a downwards diagonals and passing through/over each other in the middle of my vision. The rectangles were purple with white then red hearts inside them. I felt suddenly relaxed and realized the noise had stopped. Questions were being asked of me, by me?, I don't know. I don't even know what the questions were now. Everything was becoming less intense and then I heard the stereo in my lounge, I opened my eyes. I still had strong visuals but it was lessening by the second. It was over.

I tried to talk to my wife about it, but I can't seem to explain... it seems inexpressible. My mental clarity now is acute, though I think I'm going to sleep really well tonight.

I don't know if I expected entities or out of body experience or what, there is no way reading trip reports could possibly prepare me for what happened. It's only as time is passing I realise the full scope of it, most unusual. Most unusual indeed. I will definitely be looking more through this portal.

Peace and love, out.

Northerner said:
I don't know if I expected entities or out of body experience or what, there is no way reading trip reports could possibly prepare me for what happened.

This is exactly how I felt!

It was nothing like I thought it would be, and no report could really compare or prepare me for the event.

I love it when I hear reports like this, because I think, it's not just me, others experience similar magic, it gives me hope that others will be able to gain clarity through these compounds and experiences, and when I read reports like this it reassures me that the needed experience does still exist...

any way,

It's even more difficult trying to explain to others who have not been initiated to the DMT experience, as terence McKenna articulates:

Metaphorically, DMT is like an intellectual black hole in that once one knows about it, it is very hard for others to understand what one is talking about. One cannot be heard. The more one is able to articulate what it is, the less others are able to understand. This is why I think people who attain enlightenment, if we may for a moment comap these two, are silent. They are silent because we cannot understand them. Why the phenomenon of tryptamine ecstasy has not been looked at by scientists, thrill seekers, or anyone else, I am not sure, but I recommend it to your attention.

~ Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelics, Mushrooms, the Amazon,
Virtual Reality, UFO’s, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, & the End of History. (1991).

Thanks for your reply e.

It was hard to clear my mind of the experiences I had last night and go to sleep. Normally I just turn off the light, push all thoughts away and fall into the void. It took me more than 10 minutes of concerted effort to get there. So many questions, so much amazement.

Coming back after a sleep and a little time to integrate I find myself with even more questions than answers to what happened... if people could be kind enough to lend some insight.

Did I black out the first time? How come it seemed so short whilst so much time had passed? Others have expressed the time under seeming like an infinity whilst in fact the duration was short, my experience doesn't match.

Did I "break through" or was I just looking at the CEV's on the back of my eyelids? Is it the same thing? How do I know?

I've had a couple of psychedelic "flashes" for some seconds today. Is that common? Someone came in my lab to talk to me just now and I had a flashing grid in my vision when I started talking to them. It was very distracting, what we were talking about was fairly complex. My brain function appears very good though, otherwise. I'm focused and able to everything I normally can with ease, there's no fear... just more questions.

And I wonder what the questions were that were asked of me. How I wish I could remember.
Northerner said:
Coming back after a sleep and a little time to integrate I find myself with even more questions than answers to what happened... if people could be kind enough to lend some insight.

My answer to this is... welcome to the club.

Northerner said:
Did I black out the first time? How come it seemed so short whilst so much time had passed? Others have expressed the time under seeming like an infinity whilst in fact the duration was short, my experience doesn't match.

What i've learned from hundreds of DMT breakthroughs is, it's never the same. And is very mysterious.

Northerner said:
Did I "break through" or was I just looking at the CEV's on the back of my eyelids? Is it the same thing? How do I know?

IME, the breakthrough is that place with no words. Nothing can even begin to describe what it's like.

Northerner said:
I've had a couple of psychedelic "flashes" for some seconds today. Is that common? Someone came in my lab to talk to me just now and I had a flashing grid in my vision when I started talking to them. It was very distracting, what we were talking about was fairly complex. My brain function appears very good though, otherwise. I'm focused and able to everything I normally can with ease, there's no fear... just more questions.

Flashes are very common, especially with new users. I would get intense DMT trips in my sleep. Complete, with breakthroughs. Only happened a few times.

Once i was driving at 2 in the morning. I turned a bend, and was on a really straight road, with the other side of the road blocked by a corridor of trees. No streetlights, only headlights. I was listening to the didge, a track that i listen to often on DMT. The timing of turning the bend and getting to the really intense part of the song triggered something. My tongue rolled out of my mouth, my eyes turned animal and almost demonic. I started panting like an animal. I felt in tune with the car, the pistons in sync with my heart. I roared down the really long road. 140 km/h in an 80 zone.

So yeah, it does happen.
Thanks for your answers B, they start to give me some more perspective. That is what I really lack about this right now.

The experiences were unparalleled by any of the 100's of psychedelic experiences I've had before. They have been coming back to me all day. The intensity, wonder and fear they contained in a tiny allotment of time are beyond anything I thought possible. So short but they effected me so much. If I was alone right now I'd do it again, right now.

It seems inconceivable to me that I would even like that alien chaos, but I do. I like it a lot and I want to look at it more.

People speak of DMT experiences as being spiritual, even on their first try. It certainly wasn't that for me. It was more like being shot out of a cannon and holding on for dear life until I slowed down. It was only towards the end of the 2nd trip I had any thought at all (besides "what have I done?" ). The rest of it was just a mad rush of intense colour and shapes that totally left all sense of self behind. I guess if I look more I will see more? Or for some people is it just like fireworks and nothing more?

I don't even know how setting effects this substance for me. Day or night, indoors or outdoors, forest or beach... so many things.
I see more now, or I was just shown. I'm not sure.

It started with hands reaching out at me and then pulling me in. I was shown mans birth and death inside of the earth. Mans spiritual ascension through energy. It's totally beyond words to try to explain how this transformed in my vision.

And then on my 2nd pipe I was shown this dancing cavorting being, but it was just full of inexplicable shapes and colours. Suddenly I was being ripped away into a grey world, no colour at all. The being put out it's hand to me but was still pulled away. Something in the grey world made me agree to go away and come back later, after I understand better. I was still tripping hard and the bells were still ringing but there was no colour, just grey shapes twisting that I couldn't see well. I waited for it to start again and got just a flash, but was reminded of my deal by whatever controls the grey realm, it would not let me pass.

I definitely need time to process this.

Anyone else been pulled out and told to go away? This has opened so many questions for me, it's kinda hard to deal with right at the moment. Is it all in my head or isn't it?
I'm still processing, and still learning new things from experiences which had occured many years ago...

In my case, my first encounter with DMT was an instant transformation...

Some are so overwhelmed by the intensity of the event that they are unable to grasp or process its implications.

did you think about death or dying at any point during these events?


*note: the dose range in this report is highly inflated, there is no reason to ever dose this high*

the first time I consumed N,N-dimethyltryptamine I smoked 200mgs of translucent yellow crystals of DMT free-base on top of a small amount of high-grade cannabis (about 0.35g cannabis). I consumed the entire contents of the smoking utensil in a single inhalation. I held my breath, in less than 5 seconds an intense rush began, first I felt more intoxicated than I had ever been, then, pure awe, "I don't believe it!" I kept repeating in my head, "this is impossible".... my surroundings began to quiver and slither apart, faster than anything I had ever seen before, everything began moving away from everything else in a mash of brilliant color and geometric form, with blinding speed and intensity, before fully shattering the "reality" in my visual and mental field...

It came on like a freight train, completely unstoppable, I remember thinking "oh fuck! Get this stuff out of me!" And frantically trying to exhale, keep.n mind that I still had not had the chance to even count to 10, or even fully exhale. It was pure terror, I thought "now you have done it! You killed yourself!" After brief mourning at the life I had just departed from I began to pay attention to the present, I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, the clouds felt like a domed ceiling, everything was wet, misty, cloudy and rainy, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I knew that I had died, I knew that I was dead, and I was certain that you had been here before, the dejavu was as intense as the terror and awe and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death.

Just like sand slipping through finger cracks I tried to hold onto this all as my entire identity as a human was dissolved, I remembered my name, the earth, my family, who I was, being a human, and life, but like grabbing at smoke, it was futile, everything slipped away and nearly faded entirely out of my memory, impossible to cling to all this, I had to let it go...
I kept thinking "what the fuck was life?"

...I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, I began taking in rapid, deep, panicked deep breaths, thinking that none of the oxygen was entering my system or reaching my lungs, then noticed a pain in my chest...

A giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest! It proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful fractal-geometric object, morphing and color changing, at times it was metallic at other times it was a beautiful jewel, and all the while to look into it was to view endless geometric fractal patterns, moving, morphing, and changing color.

The mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light, and the mantoid filled my body with them, billions of them, becoming small as atoms to construct the new insides and organs of my mangled corpse, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected, my conscious-being (soul) was becoming reunited with the physical world...

...then I felt as if I was being pushed head first through a thick gelatinous membrane, violent gesticulations of the membrane surrounding me were forcing me through this thing...I was being born!...

...slowly I began to recognize my surroundings, my face still covered in tears, I looked up and saw the branches of a tree in the yard all slither in sinister fashion in from all directions to take place and solidify as the tree in the distance, the world began to slither back into place, most things moved in an elegant liquid serpentine slithering motion, or like the dancing movements of a flame, I was deeply reminded of psilocybin.

As the world constructed itself back into the familiar, so did my conscious state and memory, I was still disoriented, and fairly traumatized, I thought I had been gone for millennia, "how long was I gone I asked?"....

"about 20 minutes" was the answer

...those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes.
I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just been through being born, I was still covered in tears and shaken, I felt like I had been "turned inside out", then that I had died, been dismembered, rebuilt, and resurrected, everything was in a state of complete restructuring, I was a entirely new person, truly reborn, seeing the world through new eyes...

The immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me, and changed me in many significant ways, all for the better.

( I was not looking for enlightenment, awakening, or answers, I was not looking for transformation, and I really did not expect much, I was simply curious...most people expect a good deal and have set goals or specific reasons for ingesting the compound, and while this is fine, it's entirely unnecessary. )


After sharing this story with many of my colleagues I was immediately urged to research a phenomena known as "shamanic initiation", and as I preformed this research I came to find many similarities and parallels between my experience and the phenomena known as "shamanic initiation"

*in reference to Siberian shamanic initiation*
Often these initiations by either another shaman or the spirits involved a traumatic visionary death and rebirth experience. Sometimes this included a journey to the underworld, meetings with deities and the would-be shaman’s body being dismembered and then put together again

The actual initiation can be equally excruciating. Most initiations in most cultures involve a symbolic death and rebirth: the candidate 'dies' to his old identity and is reborn to a new one. Shamanic initiates often experience this resurrection in gruesome ways. When the rai (spirits) make a shaman in western australia, they take him to their home.
'There they cut him up and hang up his insides...his body is dead, but his soul remains there, and on the order of the rai to look steadily at the part hanging up, he recognizes [his organs]. His body is put over a hot earth-oven, with magic cooking stones in it, and covered with paper-bark. The perspiration streams down. The rai replace his insides and close up the flesh. He is told that he can henceforth travel in the air like a bird or under the ground like a goanna...

Stories of disembowelment, dismemberment, and reassembly ( usually with magic stones or crystals inserted into the shamans frame) are best understood in this light.

-Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions
By Richard Smoley, Jay Kinney; page 161

The initiation is understood as a process of death and rebirth: “first, torture at the hands of demons or spirits, who play the role of masters of initiation; second, ritual death, experienced by the patient as a descent to hill or an ascent to heaven; third, resurrection to a new mode of being – the mode of ‘consecrated man,’ that is, a man who can personally communicate with gods, demons and spirits. For initiatory death is always followed by a resurrection; that is, in terms of psychopathological experience, the crisis is resolved and the sickness cured. The shaman’s integration of a new personality is in large part dependent on his being cured

-Written by Mircea Eliade, the entry for Shamanism in vol. 19 of Man, Myth and magic

The priest is the socially initiated, ceremonially inducted member of a recognized religious organization, where he holds a certain rank and functions as the tenant of an office that was held by others before him, while the shaman is one who, as a consequence of a personal psychological crisis, has gained a certain power of his own.
A shaman may be initiated via a serious illness, by being struck by lightning, or by a near-death experience (e.g. the shaman Black Elk), and there usually is a set of cultural imagery expected to be experienced during shamanic initiation regardless of method.

According to Mircea Eliade, such imagery often includes being transported to the spirit world and interacting with beings inhabiting it, meeting a spiritual guide, being devoured by some being and emerging transformed, and/or being "dismantled" and "reassembled" again, often with implanted amulets such as magical crystals. The imagery of initiation generally speaks of transformation and granting powers, and often entails themes of death and rebirth.

Thanks for sharing your experience eg. That's really intense, actually quite horrific. I've been dosing with 100mg 1:1 changa. No where near that level... I would be quite scared to take that much DMT knowing what 1/4 of that with an MAOI can do to me.

I didn't think about death or dying, it was more that I had never existed before and that these were the moments of my creation and elevation sped up incredibly quick. I've had some time to better understand what I saw and am better able to describe it now.

I was in the void with twisting shapes, I couldn't think or feel anything. I saw a seed spout a shoot and that shoot bloom into a growing foetus, being fed by the seed. As the foetus grew it was encapsulated in a skin that became round and formed a planet. I came down to the planet at hyperspace speeds, almost instantaneously. Stood on the edge of a forest looking down on a small valley, a man rose from the earth with his arms wide out. Energy was flowing upwards through the man as he rose out of the earth. The planet was channeling energy through him and it was spraying out of the top of his head in a cosmic radiance. Then suddenly I was being pulled in by the energy towards him except I didn't go up through him like the rest of the energy, but straight into his head. Then my vision whited out and I was back in the void again with the twisting shapes. It seemed I was that man for a fleeting moment, but then I was nothing again. The textures and colours were indescribable, not to mention the angelic beauty of the whole vision. Everything about it was magical and pulsating.

I had quite a bit of reintegration issues through the weekend and into Monday too. I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen and ended up having to draw and write it out to the best of my ability. Even after that it still took me another 12 hours and a long sleep to come right and be able to function properly again, rather than walking around in a preoccupied daze.

I've a better understanding now what happened, certainly a lot more respect for the substance. I won't be taking it so quickly again after having such strong experiences. I'm still on the fence whether I was being shown intrinsic truths about the universe or it was all just a self generated hallucination. I guess it doesn't really matter though, in terms of perception.
Just looking through some of the site art and I found someone who drew the feotus in a sphere being fed from a seed, just like I saw... not the hand, but there is a massive commonality to the image and what I saw, it's so similar. That is really weird.

Northerner said:
Did I "break through" or was I just looking at the CEV's on the back of my eyelids? Is it the same thing? How do I know?

I asked myself the same question the first time i came to the void. I also started a thread here and asked if i broke trough. But then i got all of my courage together and with a huge hit that i hold in i REALLY broke trough. When you break trough you dont ask if you did, you know you did. If you have to ask if it was a breaktrough it wasnt. Like eg mentioned already its indescribably, but when you're there you are there fully, this dimension here does not exist for that moment.

If youre interested heres the trip i tought i broke trough but didnt with eg telling me that the same things i now told you, this guy is everywhere :lol:

And here my real breaktrough:
Thanks S, I really appreciate your answer to my question. Your experiences sound really intriguing. I'm glad to read about another experience where going in with a purpose would have been beneficial. I've been working on my reasoning for actually trying this stuff all week. If it was just curiosity it should have been satiated now, but no.

I'm going to try it again this weekend but maybe smoke my herb a bit slower and maybe put a little more in the bowl. I think I have maybe been hitting it a bit hard with a bit too much flame and destroying too much of the spice. I guess it's practice, like anything.
Northerner said:
Thanks for sharing your experience eg. That's really intense, actually quite horrific. I've been dosing with 100mg 1:1 changa. No where near that level... I would be quite scared to take that much DMT knowing what 1/4 of that with an MAOI can do to me.

I didn't think about death or dying, it was more that I had never existed before and that these were the moments of my creation and elevation sped up incredibly quick. I've had some time to better understand what I saw and am better able to describe it now.

I was in the void with twisting shapes, I couldn't think or feel anything. I saw a seed spout a shoot and that shoot bloom into a growing foetus, being fed by the seed. As the foetus grew it was encapsulated in a skin that became round and formed a planet. I came down to the planet at hyperspace speeds, almost instantaneously. Stood on the edge of a forest looking down on a small valley, a man rose from the earth with his arms wide out. Energy was flowing upwards through the man as he rose out of the earth. The planet was channeling energy through him and it was spraying out of the top of his head in a cosmic radiance. Then suddenly I was being pulled in by the energy towards him except I didn't go up through him like the rest of the energy, but straight into his head. Then my vision whited out and I was back in the void again with the twisting shapes. It seemed I was that man for a fleeting moment, but then I was nothing again. The textures and colours were indescribable, not to mention the angelic beauty of the whole vision. Everything about it was magical and pulsating.

I had quite a bit of reintegration issues through the weekend and into Monday too. I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd seen and ended up having to draw and write it out to the best of my ability. Even after that it still took me another 12 hours and a long sleep to come right and be able to function properly again, rather than walking around in a preoccupied daze.

I've a better understanding now what happened, certainly a lot more respect for the substance. I won't be taking it so quickly again after having such strong experiences. I'm still on the fence whether I was being shown intrinsic truths about the universe or it was all just a self generated hallucination. I guess it doesn't really matter though, in terms of perception.

Sorry it was such a long report.

The dose range in that report is ridiculous, and there's really no way to justify it, it was the first time I had smoked, and I was arrogant, looking back it seems insane, and had I known what I was about to do to myself I likely would not have been able to bring myself to do it...

I have noticed that as time passes, you will be able to pull more and more from the experience, processing the event actually gets richer as times goes by.

That's a good report. Specially since so many of these concepts are so difficult to articulate, thank you for sharing.

Well I just came back from my last trip, still in afterglow.

I encountered a Deity. It was massive and omnipresent with endless depth and power. It came to me immediately after the loading screen and dominated the trip entirely. There was nothing else but this one thing in my experience. It completely owned me by it's magnificence and power. It was ENORMOUS! I mean like skyscraper enormous. It was not recognizable in a humanoid way. It had eyes, but the part where it's mouth and nose would be were a chaos of writhing geometry and it there were disks coming out of that geometry. I could hear a voice talking and started to listen, then I realised it was talking to me. I have no idea what it was saying now.

The whole experience is fading super quick. Oh my word, it's like nothing I have ever imagined.
I just smoalked again, but this time outside in the forest in the morning. (I live next to the forest) It just chewed me up and spat me out with 0 memory of what happened. The colour in the forest was very different when I came out, it had a heavy violet tint to everything.

Not sure what I think of that, oh my.
Funny thing, since that last experience I've got absolutely 0 desire to trip again. The last half a dozen times I couldn't wait for the next time and had to force myself to wait to integrate. This time is a more of a "waiting till I feel like it's right" sort of feeling. I don't know when that will be... 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, ever. I really don't know.

It's strange that I could feel so enticed by something and then suddenly so ambivalent about it in just a few minutes. It's not like I had a bad experience. (though it was very strange)

Anyone else had a complete change of heart towards DMT, in an instant, after a trip? Is this common?
Northerner said:
Funny thing, since that last experience I've got absolutely 0 desire to trip again. The last half a dozen times I couldn't wait for the next time and had to force myself to wait to integrate. This time is a more of a "waiting till I feel like it's right" sort of feeling. I don't know when that will be... 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, ever. I really don't know.

It's strange that I could feel so enticed by something and then suddenly so ambivalent about it in just a few minutes. It's not like I had a bad experience. (though it was very strange)

Anyone else had a complete change of heart towards DMT, in an instant, after a trip? Is this common?

I've heard it happens. When the time comes, it will call.
Sounds perfectly normal to me. Perhaps because the message/lesson/value in this trip is not yet apparent you do not feel comfortable moving forward? Just speculation.

I haven't exactly been in this position with DMT (pretty new to it) but I certainly have with LSD. For me, such trips have been reminders that psychedelics are not going to give me what I want. Once humbled by this fact, hastily jumping into the next experience before feeling prepared to cope with the breadth of its uncertainty is not so appealing! Do you think this could be the reason for your change of heart?
I've had a bit of time to process the whole thing now and am starting to understand better.

I took acid last Monday night and ended up wandering around the forest looking for fairie creatures (I kid you not), and in the afterglow of that I realised I was not even ready for that strong an LSD experience let alone the earth shattering unreality that is hyperspace.

My health is paramount right now and I need to focus on that part of this reality rather than looking deeper into the pool for more questions. Not that I am unwell, but I don't feel 100% which is really where I should be before doing these sorts of thing.

I had the urge to smoke last night but decided not to. I will see how I feel after another week of preparation rather than just jumping in on impulse.
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