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Chronicles of hysterix

Migrated topic.
hysterix said:
...At the top of the page, is that spice up there baloney?

Now at least I know you're joking. Is all white, granulated powder actually spice?

Why so much attitude from you? What would you say if I said you don't at all act like someone who has had a profoundly consciousness-altering experience?

I also find it strange that you burst in here, ON FIRE, posting 6-month-old experiences as though they happened 20 minutes ago. I suppose I don't really understand WHAT you're trying to communicate, and WHY you're trying to communicate it. It's also odd that your FRIEND'S experiences are ALSO six months old--yet you breathlessly warn us that NOW we can expect THEM to be pouring onto the forum. Were you and your friends all, together, in suspended animation or something for six months?
hysterix said:
...I'd also like to know point by point the "elements of a genuine description", what they are exactly...

...Explain what you meant by both the video and sound is a fake.

Sorry, I have no "point-by-point" lists, or "explanations" to offer you.

Why not calm down? I've spoken my piece; I don't have any intentions of involving myself further with this thread.

SWIMfriend said:
hysterix said:
...At the top of the page, is that spice up there baloney?

Now at least I know you're joking. Is all white, granulated powder actually spice?

Why so much attitude from you? What would you say if I said you don't at all act like someone who has had a profoundly consciousness-altering experience?

I also find it strange that you burst in here, ON FIRE, posting 6-month-old experiences as though they happened 20 minutes ago. I suppose I don't really understand WHAT you're trying to communicate, and WHY you're trying to communicate it. It's also odd that your FRIEND'S experiences are ALSO six months old--yet you breathlessly warn us that NOW we can expect THEM to be pouring onto the forum. Were you and your friends all, together, in suspended animation or something for six months?

"Now at least I know you're joking. Is all white, granulated powder actually spice?"
Wow dude you are really confused; that was a shit load of hard work right there. I am upset because it is pretty insulting that you are implying I'd come onto these forums and fabricate all these experiences and come up with a fake jar of spice. You are an awful person and I would wish the worst thing possible for you but I'm sure you will already be going there so there is totally no need. It really sucks when you work your ass off for the community and this is how it is returned. It is okay though, I won't let this bad apple spoil the bunch.

There is a date on top of each post you silly, silly person. I have been compiling these reports since december, are you blind or something?

On top of each report is a date; suspended animation?? WTF are you talking about?

I do not like posting one report at a time; I like to post them in a group you crazy man.

Why so much attitude you ask? Because quite frankly I find it insulting that after all my extreme hard work of making over 20 grams of spice, giving it away totally free of charge, and compiling all the reports myself, "people" like you come on' and have the nerve to say you think it is fake.

My friends experiences are not six months old you insane man; they are in chronological order starting from december of last year continuing up to the present. Are you crazy or something or can you just not read? Of course you would have known all this already if you knew the definition of chronicles but I'm sure you just thought of that stupid movie with vin diesel now didn't you?

"What would you say if I said you don't at all act like someone who has had a profoundly consciousness-altering experience?"

Everyone is different dude, not everyone suddenly acts the same just because they have a crazy mind opening experience. So the answer is, if you were to say that, I were to say that you have not met enough people IN PERSON who have had a truly profound mind opening experience. This is my personality, I have a hell of a lot of it. I don't take any shit from people because I have been through a whole lot, that is just who I am, deal with it or stop replying to my posts. Once again you are wrong, people who share these experiences do not share personality traits.

"I also find it strange that you burst in here, ON FIRE, posting 6-month-old experiences as though they happened 20 minutes ago."

Sigh, once again, only the first couple are six months old, the next are 4 months old, then 3, then two months, and finally the video was taken a few days ago; you literally did not even take the time to read the first line (the date at the top dude).

"you breathlessly warn us that NOW we can expect THEM to be pouring onto the forum."

I told these large amounts of people about this forum YESTERDAY man; again you are literally insane.

It is people like you, that fuck up free drugs for everyone else because it is people like you who make me not want to do it any-more; but I will continue, I won't let some crazy man get in my way (bring me down mentally).

I am amazed you can even work a computer when you can't even plainly see a date at the top of each post I made; unbelievable the nerve of some people.
SWIMfriend said:
hysterix said:
...I'd also like to know point by point the "elements of a genuine description", what they are exactly...

...Explain what you meant by both the video and sound is a fake.

Sorry, I have no "point-by-point" lists, or "explanations" to offer you.

Why not calm down? I've spoken my piece; I don't have any intentions of involving myself further with this thread.


Thank god, please stop polluting my thread with your insanity.

Dude, man to man, I am upset, yes. The reason being is I spent my own time, my own money, and my own hard work compiling the spice, and these reports for THIS FUCKING COMMUNITY.

It really, really sucks to have someone imply that I am faking it all. Can't you understand that?
SWIMfriend said:
hysterix said:
...At the top of the page, is that spice up there baloney?

Now at least I know you're joking. Is all white, granulated powder actually spice?

Did everyone else read this sentence??

This is proof that this jerk did not even read my post!! The damn picture was there the whole time and he only just now saw it.

I am sick of wasting my time talking to this joker.
dmt experiences threads are always hard to prove, i read them as stories even if they may be true since experiences are always so different. Thats no reason to derail a thread though.

the dude in the video is rambbblin :) id imagine after that much spice over 2 days.
dimitrius_rexus said:
dmt experiences threads are always hard to prove, i read them as stories even if they may be true since experiences are always so different. Thats no reason to derail a thread though.

the dude in the video is rambbblin :) id imagine after that much spice over 2 days.

Thank god, someone logical.

I dosed that man in the video with so much damn spice, I'm surprised he even remembers his own name!

Fuckin' gypsies man!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That video should be taken off youtube. There is no point in having it up there it will just draw unwanted attention. Next thing you know it will be on the news. Members of this site agreed along time ago that we are against these types of videos. Reports are fine man but the videos on youtube are bad news. It is good that you are doing this although I hope you take careful notes and will find out some interesting things. Tolerance after days ? ??

I have seen many many people do DMT and not a single one has acted like that. Most people do not say anything...let alone walk around... I am a bit confused by this video. I am not saying it is fake just that it does seem like that person is on something else.... but maybe after that many days...and DMT... Still though SWIM has ingested a lot with out such strange effects everyone is different but it does seem strange. Was this person on any other drugs at all ? Even on massive amount of mushrooms and LSD I have never seen anyone act like that but who knows...

Honestly the more I watch this video the more skeptical I get.... sorry man but i just don't know... I have NEVER after years and many many people ever seen anyone act anything like this.... or explain anything like this...it sounds to me like someone who has never done DMT trying to explain what it is like. based on cultural misconceptions about what HALLUCINOGENS do.. it is to stereotypical... and there are many contradictions... people can not walk around on that much DMT man... it just isn't possible... I thought the reports sound fine... just the video... either way please take it off of youtube...
hahaha whats that new age mr triangle video all about - is that dude in the majic panx on some spice infuzed ganj or something - why is he dancing around saying random shit, seems as if he is running out of things to say while being filmed and his direction is impaired - he said west and east while facing in the same direction.
Why is this video online - do we really need more vids like these ?
no offence dude but havent u seen the general consensus on uploading trip videos to utoob ? bad idea.
i mean i dig what ur doing and all but i dont see how shit like that is going to lead to anything positive - for ppl that have never taken spice b4, that video is like a good enough reason not to take it and its also good enough apparent proof for ppl to use to try and proove spice is just some drug that makes u act retarded.

maybe iv missed something here, its easily a possibility.
I think some blow-off valve is needed here to release some steam. ;)

Apart from the experience reports I agree with bufoman that the video should be taken offline. In this thread we discussed the posting of youtube DMT and we came to the consensus that youtube DMT should be flagged to get them removed. You can read the arguments in that thread.

hysterix, I'm sorry that this thread probably isn't going the way you hoped for but I hope you understand our position on youtube DMT and I would ask you if you would be so kind to take that video offline.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
hrmm sorry bout that - been a bit full of nonsense lately - other than that - i think reports are a very good thing possibly allowing for a better understanding of hyperspace while in our ordinary reality - the more the merrier so keep em comming hysterix
bufoman said:
That video should be taken off youtube. There is no point in having it up there it will just draw unwanted attention. Next thing you know it will be on the news. Members of this site agreed along time ago that we are against these types of videos. Reports are fine man but the videos on youtube are bad news. It is good that you are doing this although I hope you take careful notes and will find out some interesting things. Tolerance after days ? ??

I have seen many many people do DMT and not a single one has acted like that. Most people do not say anything...let alone walk around... I am a bit confused by this video. I am not saying it is fake just that it does seem like that person is on something else.... but maybe after that many days...and DMT... Still though SWIM has ingested a lot with out such strange effects everyone is different but it does seem strange. Was this person on any other drugs at all ? Even on massive amount of mushrooms and LSD I have never seen anyone act like that but who knows...

Honestly the more I watch this video the more skeptical I get.... sorry man but i just don't know... I have NEVER after years and many many people ever seen anyone act anything like this.... or explain anything like this...it sounds to me like someone who has never done DMT trying to explain what it is like. based on cultural misconceptions about what HALLUCINOGENS do.. it is to stereotypical... and there are many contradictions... people can not walk around on that much DMT man... it just isn't possible... I thought the reports sound fine... just the video... either way please take it off of youtube...

You took the words right out of my mouth :d

Much Peace
DO NOT POST YOUTUBE VIDS OF DMT, DMT EXPERIENCES, OR EXTRACTION PROCEDURES. Think Salvia and what was used to ban it in many states (hint: youtube vids).

Please remember though that we like to keep a low profile here. Yes the goverment is aware of dmt, sure. They don't actively persure it and legislators are not getting calls from hysterical mothers (think salvia) to ban it. We want to keep it that way. Kids watch youtube and try to find new ways to get "high"....lets not get any interested in DMT. Many of us feel it is a scarament and not to be used as space crack.

I dosed that man in the video with so much damn spice, I'm surprised he even remembers his own name!

This statement worries me a bit. Did this guy know how much spice he was taking? I've personally never seen anyone take a massive dose and be able to do anything but lay there, but I've heard of it, so I guess it's not impossible.

The reports were great! Thank you for taking the time to write them up.
acolon_5 said:
DO NOT POST YOUTUBE VIDS OF DMT, DMT EXPERIENCES, OR EXTRACTION PROCEDURES. Think Salvia and what was used to ban it in many states (hint: youtube vids).

Please remember though that we like to keep a low profile here. Yes the goverment is aware of dmt, sure. They don't actively persure it and legislators are not getting calls from hysterical mothers (think salvia) to ban it. We want to keep it that way. Kids watch youtube and try to find new ways to get "high"....lets not get any interested in DMT. Many of us feel it is a scarament and not to be used as space crack

Well said 😉

Much Peace
This dude & his giant can of powder seem like a bust waiting to happen...if he's legit!

And if you did actually dose that guy "with so damn much spice", why is he still standing?
Why is he able to talk...coherently?!?!
And why is he wearing the stereotypical Pink Floyd boxer shorts?!?!?

Have you, yourself tried any of the powder in that jar there? Might want to make sure you've got what you think you do...

Can't wait for the flood of this dude's pals & their wonderful videos around here...thanks for inviting the whole town man!

warrensaged said:
This dude & his giant can of powder seem like a bust waiting to happen...if he's legit!

And if you did actually dose that guy "with so damn much spice", why is he still standing?
Why is he able to talk...coherently?!?!
And why is he wearing the stereotypical Pink Floyd boxer shorts?!?!?

Have you, yourself tried any of the powder in that jar there? Might want to make sure you've got what you think you do...

Can't wait for the flood of this dude's pals & their wonderful videos around here...thanks for inviting the whole town man!


Right? I'm glad I'm not the only one getting a weird vibe.

hysterix, seriously, you've gotta think. Did you really look around the forum before signing up? Do you see how, in general, we operate? We like a nice calm forum. We enjoy debate (not name calling and hostitily) and the sharing of info. This is not the shroomery, hip forums, or any other random "drug forum". This is a site dedicated to Spice. We take this seriously. Most of us are not making jars full of spice and od's our friends. Most of us believe that spice should be legal and used RESPONSIBLY. The attitude that I have seen in your posts (and yeah, I looked them all up) is a little disturbing.

Let's tone it down a notch, not post vids of you or your friends getting "smashed" on spice and engage us in some stimulating (not aggressive) conversation. You have a chance here to change a lot of minds about you, I suggest you think about some things, relax, and try again.
acolon_5 said:
Let's tone it down a notch, not post vids of you or your friends getting "smashed" on spice and engage us in some stimulating (not aggressive) conversation.

This is totally off topic, but the use of the word "smashed" in regards to spice made me chuckle. The other night, SWIM and a FOAF were smoking in SWIM's old way of smoking (a dropper stem), and because of being a little out of practice and the method being somewhat inadequate anyway, the spice was quite harsh. Anyway, when SWIM came back, he said something to the effect of "I had a vision of us as filthy punk rockers getting smashed on DMT."

Anyway, hysterix, if you're trying to win points with the members of this forum by posting such things as those photos and those videos, you may want to reconsider your methods. If you just want to share with others, maybe try being a little less abrasive and understand that the general consensus of this community does not fall in favor with "drug-vids" or reckless use or even bulk-production of DMT. I'm afraid that SWIM even has a hard time relating his experiences with himself and others to what's in those videos.
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