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Entheogen Network Meeting // 29.Oct.2016 // Hamburg

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Namaste Nexians!

(english version see below)

ENTHEOGENE-NETZWERK-TREFFEN // 29.10.16 ab 15.00 // Hamburg

• Vernetzungstreffen rund um Entheogene

• 29.10.16 / 15.00-22.00

• Infoladen Wilhelmsburg / Fährstrasse 48 / 21107 Hamburg

• ab 15.00 Einfinden der Teilnehmer

• 15.15 Begrüßung, Vorstellung und Einführung in das Thema
o Entheogene, was ist das? Klassische Entheogene
o Für was sind Entheogene wichtig?
o Das Entheogene-Netzwerk: Botanik, Psychonautik, Rekreationaler Gebrauch, Therapie, Vision (Kunst), Wissenschaft

• 16.00 – 16.15 Pause

• 16.15 – 17.00 Vorträge (5-6min. Vortrag & 5-4min. Diskussion)
o Entheogene Erfahrung (deutsch)
o Muskatnuss/Nutmeg: "An Overview" (englisch)
o Bewusstseinsveränderung, wie und warum überhaupt? (deutsch)

• 17.30 – 22.00 Open Space zum Netzwerken und für Organisation

 Wer einen Kurzvortrag halten möchte, möge sich bitte bis zum 27.10.16 bei mir mit dem Thema melden. Der Vortrag sollte 5-6min nicht übersteigen und kann aus einem beliebigen Entheogen bezogenen Thema stammen.

 Bitte bringt Snacks/Essen für unser Buffet mit, ich besorge Obst und backe einen Kuchen. Getränke gibt es zu fairen Preisen im Infoladen.

• User und Interessenten aller Art…
• Die Räumlichkeiten bieten Platz für bis zu ~30 Menschen

~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ ENGLISH VERSION ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~

Entheogen-Network-Meeting in Hamburg 2016

• 29.OCT.16 from 15.00 – 22.00

• Infoladen Wilhelmsburg / Fährstrasse 48 / 21107 Hamburg

Networking around entheogens

• 15.00 Arrival of the participants

• 15.15 Welcoming and short introduction of the topic
+ What are entheogens? Classic entheogens
+ Are entheogenes important?
+ The entheogen network: Botanics, psychonautics, recreational usage, science, therapy, visions

• 16.00 – 16.15 Break

• 16.15 – 17.00 Talks (5-6min. presentation and 5-4min. discussion)
+ Eine entheogene Erfahrung (german)
+ Nutmeg: An Overview (english)
+ Changes of consciousness, why and how? (german)

• 17.00 – 22.00 Open space for networking and reganisation (f.e. network ID)

--> Participants who want to give a talk about an entheogen related topic, pls write me a PM till the 27.Oct.16 with your topic. Keep in mind, that the talk should take max. 6min.

--> Pls bring snacks/food for our buffet. I am providing fresh fruits and a vegan cake, drinks can be bought in the Infoladen.

• User and everyone who is interested
• The room provides space for up to ~30 people

I am looking forward to meet you!

Ich freue mich auf Euch!



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Nexians, I am asking myself if someone of you guys would like to design a simple flyer for this event. I would like the name (Entheogene-Netzwerktreffen Hamburg), the date (29.10.2016) and this hexagon, with its patterns and its topics from the OP, on the flyper.

It would be a great pleasure for me. ;)

Juhu, the first design was submitted.

Thanks to Attic.

3 slots for entheogen related talks are still available, I am looking forward to recieve your registration! ;)


More content is published --> see original post

+ 5/6 Talks are confirmed - 1 slot is still available! (I am looking forward to recieve your registration!)
+ Official end of the event at 11.00pm
+ Prices for drinks from the Infolade (see attachment). There will be a small coffee & tea flat rate.


Due to illness, one speaker can not make it to the event, thus the talks about "Ephedra" & "Phytocannabinoids" are canceled. :( I wish a good and speedy recovery! As a result the expiration of the event changed and the "Open Networking" starts just after the first 3 talks and ends at 10pm. (check timetable in the OP)

Still looking forward to meet you! tseuq ;)
My fingers tingle with anticipation! I'm sorry to hear of the cancellation, those talks sound interesting.

Wishing the person concerned a speedy recovery.
Thank you all guys, for making it such an interesting and cosy event.

Surprisingly I got to know two more nexians, it is a great pleasure!

Love, tseuq
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