Rising Star
One day about 2 months ago, I was at my place relaxing when my friend hit me up seeing if I'd like to hang out. I invited him over and he said he could only spare a couple hours max but he was on his way.
What's important to know about our friendship is that although we worked together and knew one another for quite some time, there has always been this weird silence/feeling when looking at each other's eyes. The silence/feeling was the root of all anxiety and instability that we would both experience when around each other.
So there we were, hanging out & passing a bowl roasting cannibus together talking about his upcoming baby his girlfriend and he were about to have. We enjoyed the moments as if we were hanging out as standard friends. I was unaware I would soon be synchronizing more than I ever thought capable. I brought up dmt and how I had finally created a transparent grade (was new to me still as I was only used to freeze precipating in the past) and then we both got to talking about doing some together.
What's important to know about myself is that I had and have only ever done dmt with another person using with me about 6 times ever and that's including my significant other and I's experiences together.
Back to the story, we were about to do dmt. We got the pilo and dmt out and were sitting with one another, accidentally seemingly mocking each other's actions. What I mean by this, I would move because I would've accidentally made the same motion he had and upon moving to not make it seem like I was copying his actions, he would copy my movement and this was a never ending cycle. We noticed we were both "accidentally" synchronizing mind and body. Then and there, we knew it was time so we had loaded a pilo (glass pipe/oil burner/unfortunately known more commonly as a meth/crack pipe) with about a 0.015g each(estimated entirely so this is just a guess) and I had lit it for both of us, him going first. As we both were going up to very high frequency, we stared into each other's eyes to mediate all fear and comfort(kinda like staring into somebody's eyes thinking "you're here with me" to make yourself stay okay) and at a certain point, we utterly unified mind and body. It was so much unification that there was this sacred geometric torus we had both conceived in between us that was holographic, if you will. During this "trip" (I like to see it as an enveloping/exploring of our sensory by vibrating at high frequency) he and I noticed that we could communicate without speaking. Not only this, but we both recognized speaking about what transpired after the "trip" was a disservice as we already knew what we were truly capable of/what happened.
Regardless, one of the most profound things about this was during one of the highest points of the experience, when I would turn my head to the side, his would as well in the same manner and when I reached to shake his hand to see if this was truly simultaneous correspondence, he had already moved his hand to shake mine. This can similarly be imagined by if you were to try and shake your own hand in the mirror, it was that simuteanous and it was undeniable evidence that we are linked.
So during this experience, we had attained a lot of stillness and silence. I then had the thought to do it once more but meditatively breathing together, just being while having our eyes closed. We each once more smoked dmt and the results were unexpected and liberating. While having no thought in my mind, no visualization but just a high high frequency that was increasing in pitch, I sat in blank nothingness as a bright(not white but bright) light pierced the nothingness. The pitch in my mind increased as the light spread horizontally across my vision. The bright light was increasing in speed towards me as I approached it with heightening frequency and at the very last moment before crossing through, it sped up so fast it felt as if the world was about to "blow up", or something similar to that feeling, and then and there I stopped myself from crossing through because of this feeling by screeching a whimpered "No!" in my mind. The screeching of the word "No!" in my mind caused the light to dissapear and, simultaneously, my buddy popped out of closed eyed meditation yelling "nooooo!!! what was on the other side of that?!?! why didn't we go through?!?!?!" ......I was jaw dropped stunned. He then realized what he had even said as I could see his face go to shock..he realized he spoke something as if it were clearly obvious we experienced the same thing within our mind...I realized that this implication would forever leave me changed for the better. We stared into each other's eyes in utter stillness, silence, and bliss for hours after. He and I hung out for 8hours(he stated when coming over he could only hang for two hours or so max) sitting on the floor meditatively being/breathing together and sometimes talking. There were no phones picked up, very few words spoken, and most importantly, there was a silent knowing between us and still is to this day. We should all have this with everyone, then a natural consequence of understanding would be peace.
This experience had shown me that we not only experienced the same thing within our mind, but that we simutensously imagined our experience, together. We are all truly One Mind and Body.
I have several more profound 'trip reports' of mine but I don't want to bombard everyone with all of them so I've just stuck with one of the more profound ones for now. A few experiences were even more profound than this one and involved others, too.
If anyone would like to read a few more of my experience I could add them to this thread I suppose.
Much Love and Light to All.
What's important to know about our friendship is that although we worked together and knew one another for quite some time, there has always been this weird silence/feeling when looking at each other's eyes. The silence/feeling was the root of all anxiety and instability that we would both experience when around each other.
So there we were, hanging out & passing a bowl roasting cannibus together talking about his upcoming baby his girlfriend and he were about to have. We enjoyed the moments as if we were hanging out as standard friends. I was unaware I would soon be synchronizing more than I ever thought capable. I brought up dmt and how I had finally created a transparent grade (was new to me still as I was only used to freeze precipating in the past) and then we both got to talking about doing some together.
What's important to know about myself is that I had and have only ever done dmt with another person using with me about 6 times ever and that's including my significant other and I's experiences together.
Back to the story, we were about to do dmt. We got the pilo and dmt out and were sitting with one another, accidentally seemingly mocking each other's actions. What I mean by this, I would move because I would've accidentally made the same motion he had and upon moving to not make it seem like I was copying his actions, he would copy my movement and this was a never ending cycle. We noticed we were both "accidentally" synchronizing mind and body. Then and there, we knew it was time so we had loaded a pilo (glass pipe/oil burner/unfortunately known more commonly as a meth/crack pipe) with about a 0.015g each(estimated entirely so this is just a guess) and I had lit it for both of us, him going first. As we both were going up to very high frequency, we stared into each other's eyes to mediate all fear and comfort(kinda like staring into somebody's eyes thinking "you're here with me" to make yourself stay okay) and at a certain point, we utterly unified mind and body. It was so much unification that there was this sacred geometric torus we had both conceived in between us that was holographic, if you will. During this "trip" (I like to see it as an enveloping/exploring of our sensory by vibrating at high frequency) he and I noticed that we could communicate without speaking. Not only this, but we both recognized speaking about what transpired after the "trip" was a disservice as we already knew what we were truly capable of/what happened.
Regardless, one of the most profound things about this was during one of the highest points of the experience, when I would turn my head to the side, his would as well in the same manner and when I reached to shake his hand to see if this was truly simultaneous correspondence, he had already moved his hand to shake mine. This can similarly be imagined by if you were to try and shake your own hand in the mirror, it was that simuteanous and it was undeniable evidence that we are linked.
So during this experience, we had attained a lot of stillness and silence. I then had the thought to do it once more but meditatively breathing together, just being while having our eyes closed. We each once more smoked dmt and the results were unexpected and liberating. While having no thought in my mind, no visualization but just a high high frequency that was increasing in pitch, I sat in blank nothingness as a bright(not white but bright) light pierced the nothingness. The pitch in my mind increased as the light spread horizontally across my vision. The bright light was increasing in speed towards me as I approached it with heightening frequency and at the very last moment before crossing through, it sped up so fast it felt as if the world was about to "blow up", or something similar to that feeling, and then and there I stopped myself from crossing through because of this feeling by screeching a whimpered "No!" in my mind. The screeching of the word "No!" in my mind caused the light to dissapear and, simultaneously, my buddy popped out of closed eyed meditation yelling "nooooo!!! what was on the other side of that?!?! why didn't we go through?!?!?!" ......I was jaw dropped stunned. He then realized what he had even said as I could see his face go to shock..he realized he spoke something as if it were clearly obvious we experienced the same thing within our mind...I realized that this implication would forever leave me changed for the better. We stared into each other's eyes in utter stillness, silence, and bliss for hours after. He and I hung out for 8hours(he stated when coming over he could only hang for two hours or so max) sitting on the floor meditatively being/breathing together and sometimes talking. There were no phones picked up, very few words spoken, and most importantly, there was a silent knowing between us and still is to this day. We should all have this with everyone, then a natural consequence of understanding would be peace.
This experience had shown me that we not only experienced the same thing within our mind, but that we simutensously imagined our experience, together. We are all truly One Mind and Body.
I have several more profound 'trip reports' of mine but I don't want to bombard everyone with all of them so I've just stuck with one of the more profound ones for now. A few experiences were even more profound than this one and involved others, too.
If anyone would like to read a few more of my experience I could add them to this thread I suppose.
Much Love and Light to All.