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Preview of multi gram mega crystal technique

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Rising Star

I am here, now, and I must say that I feel finally prepared to publish something I truly hold dear inside, my dmt extraction technique. This post here is a preview of the final results from using my technique on 400grams of mhrb. It has been many times I have come to this wonderful site to fulfill much needed advising on how to and what to do when it comes to such an array of topics, however, this time I am here to share what I have learned and tied together. My extraction technique is a 1.7-1.75% yielding technique using mhrb and the final product is tasteless, odorless, transparent crystalline shards as well as an optional (much sought after topic, especially here on the nexus) process of making a single multi-gram super crystal. The finalized version of my recrystalization process has created a 2.92gram transparent crystal rock and if this process is used properly, one could make a 20-25+gram crystalline rock. Much Love and Light to Each and All. The technique will be published soon.



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Impressive pile, one probably need two hits for that 😁

LevitatingGod said:
...I am completely one to agree that a pure crystal product is better than a fluffy grade of untouchable dmt...
Better in what way please?

LevitatingGod said:
...a single pure odorless, tasteless transparent crystal rock that can range from anywhere between a 1 gram crystal to a 20 gram crystal...
I estimate visually that it is not one single crystal but a lot of tiny crystals clumping together, no? I am also very surprised by no odor nor taste, the indole should be smelled I presume.
Please go on how you made it.
Hello, and welcome to the Nexus.

We are always happy to have new members share information about their own experiments and what they learned along the way, so thanks for that! That being said, I must say your recent posts raise some red flags. You mentioned repeatedly about your hundreds of extractions and your large amounts of DMT. Please check the attitude page, specially these two parts:

We are totally against selling DMT as well as recklessly spreading it (even if for free). I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I believe we shouldn't begin interactions by judging people, but its important you understand where we are coming from. Even if you are not selling DMT and are just giving away, how many people can one really give DMT to, in order to get rid of hundreds of grams of DMT? Unlikely they will be people close to you, and if they are not close and they are just people you met or friends of friends, and you are not personally supervising their introduction to the molecule and their use, how can one ensure that they will use it in a proper way and are really aware of how potentially lifechanging (for good or bad) this can be? Is this really a responsible way to give out this molecule?

So please, if what was said above is relevant to you, please reconsider your actions, for the safety and well being of those around you as well as yourself. Or if not, then at least consider how you are posting, because it can give the wrong message (and also it isn't really relevant for us to know how many exact extractions you've had, and the only thing it does is potentially an ego boost for yourself).

I say this all with no harm intended, only as a constructive criticism.

Lastly, can't see any images in your post, just the name of some files written out.
Also: Tasteless and odorless?
DMT is neither, in my experience. Very pure DMT may have very little odor, but I've yet to run across any with no odor. DMT freebase usually has a distinctive odor and has a bitter taste.

I'm not sure what you are extracting, since you didn't post your tek, but if it's completely tasteless and odorless, I doubt it's DMT freebase. Or maybe you have olfactory issues. Or maybe I'm misinformed. I don't know.
Maybe absolutely pure DMT freebase has no odor or taste, but from the jpg I downloaded I doubt you are working under the conditions that would produce super pure DMT.
endlessness said:
Hello, and welcome to the Nexus.

We are always happy to have new members share information about their own experiments and what they learned along the way, so thanks for that! That being said, I must say your recent posts raise some red flags. You mentioned repeatedly about your hundreds of extractions and your large amounts of DMT. Please check the attitude page, specially these two parts:

We are totally against selling DMT as well as recklessly spreading it (even if for free). I will give you the benefit of the doubt because I believe we shouldn't begin interactions by judging people, but its important you understand where we are coming from. Even if you are not selling DMT and are just giving away, how many people can one really give DMT to, in order to get rid of hundreds of grams of DMT? Unlikely they will be people close to you, and if they are not close and they are just people you met or friends of friends, and you are not personally supervising their introduction to the molecule and their use, how can one ensure that they will use it in a proper way and are really aware of how potentially lifechanging (for good or bad) this can be? Is this really a responsible way to give out this molecule?

So please, if what was said above is relevant to you, please reconsider your actions, for the safety and well being of those around you as well as yourself. Or if not, then at least consider how you are posting, because it can give the wrong message (and also it isn't really relevant for us to know how many exact extractions you've had, and the only thing it does is potentially an ego boost for yourself).

I say this all with no harm intended, only as a constructive criticism.

Lastly, can't see any images in your post, just the name of some files written out.

Hello. You are one of the people I learned about xtals from! Glad to be here. Thanks for welcoming. The only reason I speak of large amounts of dmt is because I'm growing a single crystal that weighs a large amount and trying to teach others how..
Also, I am not promoting commercially extracting dmt and am definitely not promoting it being sold either. I stated I had extracted 300 + times not for an "ego boost" as one could assume but rather just to exemplify that I am in no way too inexperienced to create my own extraction technique as I have. Stating how many trial and error extracts I went through to create this technique is because I am also showing my severe burning passion for extracting this substance because it is an art and something I hold so close to heart & something I practiced a lot in order to prepare this technique for all my fellow people here on nexus.. I guess I just feel a bit hazy on what I did wrong as I am not mentioning once selling it or anything. Yes my technique yields 1.7% yields but that doesn't mean I'm promoting the idea of commercially producing it and I wouldn't ever offer free dmt or sell dmt because my intention here is solely to teach people how to make one big 2-20gram single crystal rock. Like I said, I am not promoting commercially producing it and the only reason I produced a tek to make a good amount was to make a mega crystal because you can't make a mega crystal if it only weighs half a gram. So back to my intention here, I am here to show the ones curious how to make one big crystal exactly how to do that because there is no explaination as to how to do that here on the nexus. Lastly, I am NOT promoting commercially producing dmt and am not promoting it being sold or even given away freely. Thank you for welcoming me, though... Thank you for the warning & constructive criticism but I feel there was a misinterpretation because I'm doing nothing but providing precise value on a needed topic.
Mister_Niles said:
Also: Tasteless and odorless?
DMT is neither, in my experience. Very pure DMT may have very little odor, but I've yet to run across any with no odor. DMT freebase usually has a distinctive odor and has a bitter taste.

I'm not sure what you are extracting, since you didn't post your tek, but if it's completely tasteless and odorless, I doubt it's DMT freebase. Or maybe you have olfactory issues. Or maybe I'm misinformed. I don't know.
Maybe absolutely pure DMT freebase has no odor or taste, but from the jpg I downloaded I doubt you are working under the conditions that would produce super pure DMT.
Interesting. I do agree most dmt freebase will have a slight odor and taste but mine does not. I do an acid to base with re acidifications and reductions done and I recrystalize very extensively just to make it so it is only transparent shards that grow, no yellow, no oxidizing, no oils, no gunk. So after many experiences and taste tests, swim can acknlowedge that dmt in its purer-purest states has no indication of taste whatsoever and you could actually exhale smoke into another's face and they wouldn't smell a thing. It's truly all about how much and how well a recrystalization was preformed because most people actually oxidize (causing odor and taste) their product on the last drying stage after the crystal has fully grown. My technique has a strong prevention from oxidizing because you do not need to scrape it when finished growing as you would a normal dmt crystal.
Jees said:
Impressive pile, one probably need two hits for that 😁

LevitatingGod said:
...I am completely one to agree that a pure crystal product is better than a fluffy grade of untouchable dmt...
Better in what way please?

LevitatingGod said:
...a single pure odorless, tasteless transparent crystal rock that can range from anywhere between a 1 gram crystal to a 20 gram crystal...
I estimate visually that it is not one single crystal but a lot of tiny crystals clumping together, no? I am also very surprised by no odor nor taste, the indole should be smelled I presume.
Please go on how you made it.

I feel it's better because most dmt fluffy freebase has an odor or taste or usually both. I cannot stand the taste or smell to be honest as it reminds me of an impurity. I feel it, dmt in its transparent crystalline state, has much more strength per weight and it definitely allows a product that can indeed have no taste and no smell even when exhaled into a partners face solely to smell the vapor.

Yes it is a lot of crystal shards formatted together but thereby it makes one large crystal you can throw hand to hand as you could a quartz crystal. You can smell the literal crystal as it has a tiny scent but when vaporized, the vapor has absolutely no smell.. I would love to post my technique but am awaiting membership so I can make a literal extraction technique post rather than do it as a reply or in the welcome forum.
Thank you for the reply. Yes a workflow doesn't belong in a welcome area, yet the title suggests technique more than hi-guys, hence my sniffing ;)

I'll follow in that other thread :thumb_up:
Thank you for explaining yourself. As mentioned, i meant no harm and im sorry if it came across as judgemental. Please do consider it from our perspective, given what is written in the links i posted earlier. Regarding the number, imho you can just say you have extensive experience or done many extractions and that will give the same effect of telling us you probably know whay you are talking about :)

That all being said, again welcome to the forum, and feel free to to share what you learned, im eager to read the tips and see the crystal picture porn :D

See you around!

PS: its true depending how you crystalize your dmt, the smell is significantly less sharp. I suspect solvent trapped in crystal lattices is part of the familiar dmt dmell.. but it gemerally will always ime have a slight flowery earthy smell related to its indol structure. Several other similar substances (like gramine) will have similar smell.
endlessness said:
Thank you for explaining yourself. As mentioned, i meant no harm and im sorry if it came across as judgemental. Please do consider it from our perspective, given what is written in the links i posted earlier. Regarding the number, imho you can just say you have extensive experience or done many extractions and that will give the same effect of telling us you probably know whay you are talking about :)

That all being said, again welcome to the forum, and feel free to to share what you learned, im eager to read the tips and see the crystal picture porn :D

See you around!

Thank you for the apology and I understand where it could be misinterpreted and I am sorry for that. Also I see what you mean about the numbers as I changed the subject title to more suitably fit what message I'm trying to portray. Honestly I get so pumped that I'm responding to you, lol! If only you knew how much your xtal forum responses have helped me...you are a gentlemen amongst gentle men :p Blessings, Love, and Light to you my good sir. Thank you again for welcoming me man :) I am very glad to be here. Lastly, I am curious as to how I can post the technique and the best place to post a tek with pictorial. I am searching the site and it seems they are all on dmt nexus wiki but it won't let me create an account because the pass key fails each time due to the computer I have being a bit behind on frames so it doesn't align the image harmonically, unfortunately leaving me curious as to where/how to post this technique.
Also, I would agree solvent trapped in the lattice can be casuation for a taste and smell nobody likes, lol. IME once the crystal is completely transparent you've typically achieved tasteless grade crystalline and if you can dry it completely without ANY oxidation(enclosing in a properly prepared desiccant helps with this) you most likely will not smell it when vaporized either. However, I must say the removal of odor is only classifiable as 'odorless' because the vapor itself has no smell, the crystal itself will have that familiar smell though. Oxidation is a big factor in the process of crystallization in terms of tasteless odorless transparency because oxidants are within oxygen and drying something that needs evaporation means you need to expose it to the air and when you do that, you open the window for oxidants. Like I said, it's all about the art of recrystalizing to maintain its state of transparency, odorless & tasteless features, and overall purity.
Ive been having issues with the wiki too. Just post here and attach pictures by clicking the "attach files to this post" below the post box when you click "reply"... Or make a word/pdf file in the format you want and then attach to the post.
The OP speaks of avoiding oxidation. Argon can be obtained very easily, linking that to some kind of drying apparatus is well within the bounds of standard (lab, not kitchen) procedure.

That's a nice nugget but I'd love to see a giant SINGLE crystal, just to find out whether that picture on Erowid is real or not!
downwardsfromzero said:
The OP speaks of avoiding oxidation. Argon can be obtained very easily, linking that to some kind of drying apparatus is well within the bounds of standard (lab, not kitchen) procedure.

That's a nice nugget but I'd love to see a giant SINGLE crystal, just to find out whether that picture on Erowid is real or not!
I love that, lol. It is a nice "nugget" :)
That's awesome.
If I were to let the crystal evap with the solvent after the step I took for its initial growth, I could very well make a crystal that looked like that picture. It's very very possible with this way as I have done it with this same crystallization method with many other things like hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate and sodium tetraborate. The only reason mine couldn't achieve that with this 2.92g dmt crystal is because I did this one a way in which forced the growth to my seed very very quickly and now that I know it works, I now know how to make it all crystallize slowly to the seed as a giant pile of sprouted geometry. Just wait :) give me a month or two and I'll have that instruction up, too. :p
As for the picture, it's real. I'm positive and will have it posted within 60 days one that looks very similar WITH size comparison & weight.
I will be posting my overall 1.7% yielding mhrb A/B technique and mega multi-gram crystallizing technique TODAY! Stay with me I promise I'm getting it done as fast as possible, beautiful people :p
Looking forward to it! Those look like some mega clean crystals. Although I do love the smell of DMT I am still interested what the final product is like to try
dfz said:
That's a nice nugget but I'd love to see a giant SINGLE crystal, just to find out whether that picture on Erowid is real or not!
Ha, me too. That's the first thing that I thought of. Ya OP, that's a mighty swell.nugg ya got there, but I was hoping to see that giant barrel you could set in silver for a brooch!
So I have it in a word document and now a PDF as well but neither i can upload in the attachment section because it only gives options for camera or photos.
I have a Dropbox link for it but I would like to be able to post it here as well on a PDF / on wiki
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