Humans are way too conceited.
If I were suddenly to decide to stop making things, stop talking to other people, and basically drop out of society and live completely off of nature like an ape, would I no longer be intelligent?
The fact that we make junk, collect information, communicate, etc., doesn’t make us intelligent.
I would say that a species that knowingly pollutes their environment is not at all intelligent. I argue that human beings are not as intelligent as the rest of the animals are. We are actually defective. Instead of being happy with life as it was intended, we are endlessly unsatisfied, so we make things to help with our endless unsatisfaction with life. It’s a defect.
The other primates are more intelligent than we are. They don’t slave away at a 40 hour per week job, wasting their lives, instead they spend all day enjoying life to its fullest. We are definitely among the most stupid creatures on earth. We think our ability to manipulate reality makes us superior, when this is actually what is hurting us. After millions of years of wearing clothes, we’ve lost the ability to live without clothes. All our fur is gone.
Eventually humans will be these fat ugly creatures that cannot move, eat, or do anything other than connect to computers, get fed intravenously, living like a cell in a large body. The wild monkey will look at us all and laugh, “look at what your technology has done to you! You are fat ugly creatures that completely rely on technology to exist. I can walk, run, and do everything with my own body. I need no technology at all. I don’t need injections of antibodies from the biological network to fight off diseases. I don’t need to slave away on the cyber network all day for money. I don’t need to live in a temperature regulated box. I don’t need to wear clothes. I don’t need glasses to see. I live off of nature for FREE. I am superior to you in every way!”