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To fathom hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Greetings fellow cosmonaughts, freaks, hippies and weirdos

You are all my kind of people.

I have used psychedelic drugs and entheogens for over half my life. I have recently come to accept that I will be using them for my remaining years on this space rock.

I do not posess a scientific or analytical brain.

I have tried to extract dmt via lazymans tek twice and failed both times.

The reason I want to join this website is twofold. The first and most obvious reason is to lear to successfully extract dmt. I have only had the joy of a 3 gram REMOVED bag. My trip reports have piqued some of my friends interest, so I would like to be able to share this with them, without them having to REMOVED it. Every second tree here is an acacia and I also want to learn to harvest materials sustainably so it doesnt harm the tree.

The second reason is because I live in an area that is incredibly isolated. There is nothing for 350km km in any direction. I enjoy connecting with people and sharing stories and I am constantly learning.

I am experienced with lsd25i, n,n,dmt, shrooms, salvia divinorum, mdma and thc. Lately I have been taking larger doses and pushing things a bit. Safety is always number 1, but I have a tattoo that reads 'to live and die with no regrets' and that is what I live by.

I dont want to be on my deathbed and have a lot of 'what ifs?' going through my head.

Ive included a photo of my errr neighbours plant from a couple of years ago.

Thankyou for reading my ramble. I look forward to interacting with you all.

Welcome to the Nexus !

heist said:
I am experienced with lsd25i, n,n,dmt, shrooms, salvia divinorum, mdma and thc.

I hope this is a typo , a funny and sad one because of the 25iNBOME being sold as LSD.
Thanks mate! I can honestly say I dont think Ive ever taken nbombe.

I research everything I come across. The last tabs I had were Woody Woodpeckers (200ug).

Also, apologies for the word that had to be removed. I wasnt aware that particular word was banned and will be more careful about posting in future.
May as well post a couple of mini trip reports

I smoked dmt on 400ug of lsd and got dragged out of bed into my shower by some massive alien woman who proceeded to beat me over the head until I vomited rainbows in every direction and passed out

She was furious and I deserved it anyway.

Last time I took a large dose of lsd I blacked out and when I came to I couldnt see cos the room was pitch black and it was night. I didnt know who I was, what I was, which way was up, if there was gravity or what was going on. Id completely seperated from my body

Worst part is when I was reconnecting everything the first sensation I became aware of was urgently needing to pee so I had to figure it out pretty damn quickly.
heist said:
May as well post a couple of mini trip reports

I smoked dmt on 400ug of lsd and got dragged out of bed into my shower by some massive alien woman who proceeded to beat me over the head until I vomited rainbows in every direction and passed out

She was furious and I deserved it anyway.


Whether the acid or the DMT- maybe someone was jealous and competing for your consciousness!😉

Welcome to the Nexus, heist!
heist said:
...I dont want to be on my deathbed and have a lot of 'what ifs?' going through my head....
This will work in favor no doubt:
heist said:
...I do not posess a scientific or analytical brain...
Besides a little joking (which I hope you grant me), over analytical people could envy you for it. Nevertheless sharping the logic circuits can save your day and extractions, it's much recommended and never to late.

Within that post text I could not discover deeper grounds for being drawn to psychedelics.
I don't say there isn't in you, I don't say there must be, just asking: is there?

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