Rising Star
Greetings fellow cosmonaughts, freaks, hippies and weirdos
You are all my kind of people.
I have used psychedelic drugs and entheogens for over half my life. I have recently come to accept that I will be using them for my remaining years on this space rock.
I do not posess a scientific or analytical brain.
I have tried to extract dmt via lazymans tek twice and failed both times.
The reason I want to join this website is twofold. The first and most obvious reason is to lear to successfully extract dmt. I have only had the joy of a 3 gram REMOVED bag. My trip reports have piqued some of my friends interest, so I would like to be able to share this with them, without them having to REMOVED it. Every second tree here is an acacia and I also want to learn to harvest materials sustainably so it doesnt harm the tree.
The second reason is because I live in an area that is incredibly isolated. There is nothing for 350km km in any direction. I enjoy connecting with people and sharing stories and I am constantly learning.
I am experienced with lsd25i, n,n,dmt, shrooms, salvia divinorum, mdma and thc. Lately I have been taking larger doses and pushing things a bit. Safety is always number 1, but I have a tattoo that reads 'to live and die with no regrets' and that is what I live by.
I dont want to be on my deathbed and have a lot of 'what ifs?' going through my head.
Ive included a photo of my errr neighbours plant from a couple of years ago.
Thankyou for reading my ramble. I look forward to interacting with you all.
You are all my kind of people.
I have used psychedelic drugs and entheogens for over half my life. I have recently come to accept that I will be using them for my remaining years on this space rock.
I do not posess a scientific or analytical brain.
I have tried to extract dmt via lazymans tek twice and failed both times.
The reason I want to join this website is twofold. The first and most obvious reason is to lear to successfully extract dmt. I have only had the joy of a 3 gram REMOVED bag. My trip reports have piqued some of my friends interest, so I would like to be able to share this with them, without them having to REMOVED it. Every second tree here is an acacia and I also want to learn to harvest materials sustainably so it doesnt harm the tree.
The second reason is because I live in an area that is incredibly isolated. There is nothing for 350km km in any direction. I enjoy connecting with people and sharing stories and I am constantly learning.
I am experienced with lsd25i, n,n,dmt, shrooms, salvia divinorum, mdma and thc. Lately I have been taking larger doses and pushing things a bit. Safety is always number 1, but I have a tattoo that reads 'to live and die with no regrets' and that is what I live by.
I dont want to be on my deathbed and have a lot of 'what ifs?' going through my head.
Ive included a photo of my errr neighbours plant from a couple of years ago.
Thankyou for reading my ramble. I look forward to interacting with you all.