Rising Star
I did a search on this and nothing seemed to come up regarding this technique. It's very good practice especially when milligrams can mean the difference between good time / bad time. It's not my idea, it's just a set of guidlines I've seen posted from reliable sources elsewhere, in communities concerned with milligram accuracy regarding other things that need weighing carefully.
So apologies if this is teaching people to suck eggs but it seemed worth reiterating even if it has been posted before. So here are things to consider about your 000 scales:
I) Even though your scales are advertised as accurate to the milligram they probably aren't unless you spent hundreds on them. So things in the very low 10mg range are unlikely to produce accurate readings. This could be a massive issue for something like 5-meo-DMT.
II) Always set your scales on a flat surface away from draughts and air currents.
III) Make sure the scales are set to the correct unit of measurement, i.e. Grams. My scales have about seven other units of measure and I've often inadvertently switched without realising. Luckily I've spotted the error due to following this checklist.
IV) recalibrate before each use with the weights they provide.
V) It's best not to rely on the tarre function. It's better to weigh the pan and then subtract that weight from your final reading.
VI) These cheap scales are more accurate at higher weights so either use the pan weighing method above or if using the tarre function then placing a calibration weight in and subtracting that from your final result is also effective.
VII) Never add a compound to the pan while it's on the scale. It often doesn't register properly or sometimes not at all leading to a risk of a higher dose than intended. Always take the pan off the scales add the compound. Place back on the pan, subtract weights if using those methods and see how much compound you have. Rinse and repeat until you get the measurement your after.
VIII) always double check your result by repeating the process above at leat once.
Again, apologies if this has been covered before. The steps aren't set in stone but they are wise guidlines to follow for anything with a steep dose response curve. Especially if active in the 1-2mg range.
Hopefully that helps someone out, I thought it may be useful for new users who may not be familiar with weighing procedures for the compounds discussed on this site.
So apologies if this is teaching people to suck eggs but it seemed worth reiterating even if it has been posted before. So here are things to consider about your 000 scales:
I) Even though your scales are advertised as accurate to the milligram they probably aren't unless you spent hundreds on them. So things in the very low 10mg range are unlikely to produce accurate readings. This could be a massive issue for something like 5-meo-DMT.
II) Always set your scales on a flat surface away from draughts and air currents.
III) Make sure the scales are set to the correct unit of measurement, i.e. Grams. My scales have about seven other units of measure and I've often inadvertently switched without realising. Luckily I've spotted the error due to following this checklist.
IV) recalibrate before each use with the weights they provide.
V) It's best not to rely on the tarre function. It's better to weigh the pan and then subtract that weight from your final reading.
VI) These cheap scales are more accurate at higher weights so either use the pan weighing method above or if using the tarre function then placing a calibration weight in and subtracting that from your final result is also effective.
VII) Never add a compound to the pan while it's on the scale. It often doesn't register properly or sometimes not at all leading to a risk of a higher dose than intended. Always take the pan off the scales add the compound. Place back on the pan, subtract weights if using those methods and see how much compound you have. Rinse and repeat until you get the measurement your after.
VIII) always double check your result by repeating the process above at leat once.
Again, apologies if this has been covered before. The steps aren't set in stone but they are wise guidlines to follow for anything with a steep dose response curve. Especially if active in the 1-2mg range.
Hopefully that helps someone out, I thought it may be useful for new users who may not be familiar with weighing procedures for the compounds discussed on this site.