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Hey Joe Rogan - Shut the F**K up!

Migrated topic.

the guy is a hero to frat boys, jocks, and general douchebags. forgive me if I'm not partial to his impromptu glorification.

joe's not a bad guy; he's marginally amusing and has some wits, perhaps even a bit intelligent
though he came across (in his interview) proclaiming these so-called facts, and as for the experience descriptions, he didn't once reference Terrence McKenna for his descriptions in 'alien love'. not scandalous, but certainly not credible either
Also how he said "the being said don't give into astonishment" this is directly out of the mouth of Terrence. That is kinda weird that he stole his description. I think he was trying to explain to people this incredible experience and what he has learned from it. He did not make it look bad but he did say some things that were inaccurate but he is a comedian not a scientist or public speaker.

However look what Leary did with LSD we surely do not need a repeat of that disaster, which we are still recovering from. This DMT education needs to be done scientifically although people have no interest in learning science and they think that they can not understand it and are thus intimidated. Not to mention the government has no interesting in provided truthful information that will counteract its own policing policies. I don't know if Joe can be blamed for the misconceptions he stated it seems most people just regurgitate the first thing they heard or saw in a film or news show. No one bothers to look deeper to find the truth. This may have to do with our schooling system which teaching people what to think rather than how to think.
bufoman said:
Also how he said "the being said don't give into astonishment" this is directly out of the mouth of Terrence.

yeah, that's 'Alien Love': "..And they assured me that they loved me and they told me not to be amazed; not to give way to astonishment."

i saw this back in '95... blew my mind when I heard rogan say it from that '03 interview.

also once heard about iggy pop claiming to see a perfect buddha appear right in front of him.
(from a 2001 interview with Stuff magazine)
benzyme said:

the guy is a hero to frat boys, jocks, and general douchebags. forgive me if I'm not partial to his impromptu glorification.

joe's not a bad guy; he's marginally amusing and has some wits, perhaps even a bit intelligent
though he came across (in his interview) proclaiming these so-called facts, and as for the experience descriptions, he didn't once reference Terrence McKenna for his descriptions in 'alien love'. not scandalous, but certainly not credible either

Why are you associating frat boy and jocks with douche bags. Just because someone is popular and goes to parties or play football it does not make them a douche bag.
s8championjgh said:
A lot of you guys seems to hate Joe. Well he is bad ass. He is the only reason swim ever found out about dmt and is truly in debt.

This is the reason I support him. He's doing what Timothy Leary did with LSD. Don't knock Leary. If Leary didn't do what he did with LSD, most people would have no idea what LSD is. SWIM sure wouldn’t that’s for sure. SWIM is in debt to Leary just as many will be in debt to Rogan.

Rogan speaks to a different class of people and he’s turning them on to DMT. I think this is great thing and I have a lot of respect for him. He’s taking a very big risk doing this. WHY? Because he knows, just like I do, that many people will benefit from a psychedelic experience. He’s speaking to a group of people that Leary would never have been able to reach. This is a good thing.

We need more Rogans from all different classes of people speaking about the wonders of psychedelics. That’s the only way they will be made legal again. The more people hear about how wonderful and helpful these things are, the better.

Leary is the reason I got interested in psychedelics. He single handedly opened up the minds of millions of people around the world.

Rogan will also open up the minds of many.

You may not agree with how he’s doing it, or some of the “facts” he’s using, but at least he has the balls to do it. What about you out there reading this post. DO YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO DO THAT? I think not. You are too worried about your own freedom. Rogan is taking a huge risk for the sake of humanity just like Leary did. That is a great thing and you guys are completely missing that part of this.
benzyme said:
you're right. I meant..those guys..
yet all three seem to be the majority of roganites.
Come off it Benzyme, that video uses "gay" as a derogatory term and that's not cool.
And whoever made that video is the biggest "douchebag" of them all because he doesn't realise that the women he's asking not to sleep with those "douchebags" are the female equivalent, making them perfectly well suited, and making him nothing more than a "failed-douchebag-wannabe" for lusting after said "douchettes".
P.s. is that a pisstake or are those real American celebrities? I could believe it either way.
People with fake tan and gelled hair etc are called 'chavs' in the UK! But that doesn't make them jocks and we don't have jocks we have 'rugger buggers' and, er, footballers. I wrote more but it got too confusing.
69ron said:
s8championjgh said:
A lot of you guys seems to hate Joe. Well he is bad ass. He is the only reason swim ever found out about dmt and is truly in debt.

This is the reason I support him. He's doing what Timothy Leary did with LSD. Don't knock Leary. If Leary didn't do what he did with LSD, most people would have no idea what LSD is. SWIM sure wouldn’t that’s for sure. SWIM is in debt to Leary just as many will be in debt to Rogan.

Rogan speaks to a different class of people and he’s turning them on to DMT. I think this is great thing and I have a lot of respect for him. He’s taking a very big risk doing this. WHY? Because he knows, just like I do, that many people will benefit from a psychedelic experience. He’s speaking to a group of people that Leary would never have been able to reach. This is a good thing.

Rogan is taking a huge risk for the sake of humanity just like Leary did. That is a great thing and you guys are completely missing that part of this.

With all due respect 69r, you can't possibly parallel the actions of Joe Rogan with the actions of Timothy Leary with any form of substantial backing. I find it hard to believe (to say the least) that you even TRIED to draw that parallel.
Timothy Leary was a highly educated graduate student in psychology when he first began speaking out on LSD. More importantly Leary advocated the use of LSD as a medicinal drug that could help humanity understand our psyche, correct mental disorders, perceive ourselves and the universe around us in a new light. His interviews and books were well thought out (for the most part :) ), and he focused on the societal gains that psychedelics could provide us.

Leary did quite a bit more regarding the INTELLIGENT promotion of psychedelics than saying something like "LS fucking D man! It's the most potent hallucinogen known to man! It's more illegal than heroin, but blah, blah, blah..."

There is nothing that I have heard Joe Rogan say that promotes the use of DMT as a healing or educational drug, or anything more than just a cool way to get high. He basically implies nothing more than what I perceive as "Dude, this shit is a wicked hallucinogenic good time! Try it, it fun and cool, and you can be like me if you do!"

If anyone truly believes that anything Joe Rogan has done or said about DMT will have a positive persuasive effect on our government's view of psychedelic entheogens, all I can say is that I strongly disagree.

Enough of my rant! Sorry, I just couldn't hold it in and no offense directed toward anyone here!!
idtravlr said:
With all due respect 69r, you can't possibly parallel the actions of Joe Rogan with the actions of Timothy Leary with any form of substantial backing.

How did you get that interpretation from what I wrote?

Read my posts more clearly before making such outlandish remarks.

I never said Rogan was anything like Leary. Rogan is from a completely different background, and completely different class. The only thing Rogan has in common with Leary is his love of psychedelics and his willingness to risk it all to tell the world about it. There are no other parallels. I made no other parallels. These are two totally different people from completely different worlds.

Rogan, like Leary, is actively turning people on to psychedelics. That’s the only parallel I made. Any other parallels are all in your head, not from anything I wrote.

Rogan deserves credit for taking such a risk. I'm glad he's doing it. I'm glad he's turning people on to psychedelics.
69ron said:
Rogan, like Leary, is actively turning people on to psychedelics. That’s the only parallel I made. Any other parallels are all in your head, not from anything I wrote.

Rogan deserves credit for taking such a risk. I'm glad he's doing it. I'm glad he's turning people on to psychedelics.

My apologies 69ron. Perhaps I did read too much into your comparison of Leary and Rogan. The point I was trying to get across however is that Leary promoted the use of psychedelics for their potential psychiatric and societal benefits, and
Rogan appears to promote them as a party drug, with no reference as to who, why, and when one should partake in the consumption of DMT. I just feel that the dissimilarity of Rogan's few frivolous radio / internet rants compared to Leary's lifetime of socio-scientific work need to be clearly exposed.

The other thing is that I'm not completely convinced that Rogan's "work" is nothing more than a publicity stunt. After all he's done nothing more than reiterate what has already been said by other respected members of the DMT community. Sure it's a risk he's taking, but it is possible that this risk is for the reward of his own rise to the top of the tabloids, and not necessarily genuinely for the promotion of psychedelic progress. This is the bit that I am cautiously skeptical about.
When these substances come into contact with our media-saturated culture, desecration is inevitable. What would Maria Sabina have made of the Shroomery? Still, the same substances know how to take care of themselves. So looking from one side, it's good that Joe Rogan is making people more conscious of DMT with his shtick. Some folks surely benefit from DMT, even if they approach it from "recreational" angle. On the other hand, there is always "the disaster waiting to happen" which increases the risk of government interference and may affect adversely the supply of certain ethnobotanicals. But that's how it goes, it's the same as with Leary and acid, and essentially the same debate.
It's all right. The substances are not ends in themselves, just stepping stones to higher development. They'll always be around in some form.
Just my two cents..
It is all about the type of attention DMT/psychedelics get's. I think there are many people who are interested in the psychedelic experience, but who might be a bit fearfull at the same time. There are people like aldous huxley, alex grey or dr hofmann himself, who examplify the responisble use of entheogenic substances.
There are others who advocate the use of substances but who're work is more counterproductive. I think a guy like shulgin rather falls in that categorie, because he dismisses all the possible risks involved in every substance he's ever been involved in. So then you're not taken seriously in advance.
Simply because everybody knows that many psycho-active's do cary some risks with them. I heard shulgin comparing the risks of taking 'research chemicals' with that of using breadwrappers with the argument that there's no scientific evidence for them being harmless either.
Well, you can actually die from drinking too much water or breathing too much oxygen, and yet we need these thing to live. Pretty much anything can become toxic if too much is taken. If you ate a pound of vitamin C you'd probably die.

Psychedelics can be harmful if used incorrectly, but so can alcohol and that's completely legal. Just think of all the millions of alcohol related fatalities and psychedelics look pretty harmless.

Alcohol can kill you easily if you drink too much of it. Every year college students die from binge drinking. How many have died from peyote? ZERO. Score one for psychedelics.

Alcohol can cause alcoholism, a well known and extremely dehabilitating condition of addiction many people suffer from. How many people have suffered from peyote addiction? ZERO. Score another point for psychedelics.

Alcohol can cause severe liver damage. Many have died from alcohol related liver damage. How many people have suffered liver damage caused by peyote? ZERO. Score another point for psychedelics.

Alcohol abuse has been directly related to many crimes, suicides, mental problems, spousal abuse, domestic violence, etc., and yet some people would want you to believe that psychedelics are more likely to cause such behavior when in reality people using peyote rarely ever exhibit such behaviors. Score another point for psychedelics.

I can go on and on and on about how bad alcohol can be. But in moderation, it's just fine.
polytrip said:
There are research chemicals that might be not so fine, even in moderate use.

Yes. Several RCs have killed people with doses just slightly more than the typical active dose. But no one has died from peyote or LSD.
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