69ron said:
s8championjgh said:
A lot of you guys seems to hate Joe. Well he is bad ass. He is the only reason swim ever found out about dmt and is truly in debt.
This is the reason I support him. He's doing what Timothy Leary did with LSD. Don't knock Leary. If Leary didn't do what he did with LSD, most people would have no idea what LSD is. SWIM sure wouldn’t that’s for sure. SWIM is in debt to Leary just as many will be in debt to Rogan.
Rogan speaks to a different class of people and he’s turning them on to DMT. I think this is great thing and I have a lot of respect for him. He’s taking a very big risk doing this. WHY? Because he knows, just like I do, that many people will benefit from a psychedelic experience. He’s speaking to a group of people that Leary would never have been able to reach. This is a good thing.
Rogan is taking a huge risk for the sake of humanity just like Leary did. That is a great thing and you guys are completely missing that part of this.
With all due respect 69r, you can't possibly parallel the actions of Joe Rogan with the actions of Timothy Leary with any form of substantial backing. I find it hard to believe (to say the least) that you even TRIED to draw that parallel.
Timothy Leary was a highly educated graduate student in psychology when he first began speaking out on LSD. More importantly Leary advocated the use of LSD as a medicinal drug that could help humanity understand our psyche, correct mental disorders, perceive ourselves and the universe around us in a new light. His interviews and books were well thought out (for the most part

), and he focused on the societal gains that psychedelics could provide us.
Leary did quite a bit more regarding the INTELLIGENT promotion of psychedelics than saying something like "LS fucking D man! It's the most potent hallucinogen known to man! It's more illegal than heroin, but blah, blah, blah..."
There is nothing that I have heard Joe Rogan say that promotes the use of DMT as a healing or educational drug, or anything more than just a cool way to get high. He basically implies nothing more than what I perceive as "Dude, this shit is a wicked hallucinogenic good time! Try it, it fun and cool, and you can be like me if you do!"
If anyone truly believes that anything Joe Rogan has done or said about DMT will have a positive persuasive effect on our government's view of psychedelic entheogens, all I can say is that I strongly disagree.
Enough of my rant! Sorry, I just couldn't hold it in and no offense directed toward anyone here!!