When I was like sixteen I pulled a lot of 24, 36, god knows how many hours without sleep fueled with all kinds of stuff.
I must have been up for at least 36 hours, drinking like an Irishman and a friend gave me some what we called "roches", stuff like lexotan, bromozepam, rohypnol, the likes. If you know these things you know that combined with alcohol these things turn you into either a zombie or an unrational monster. That didn't seem to bother us at the time apparently. Following that I found 2 xtc tablets in my pocket later on (or someone gave them to me, I have blurrs and holes from that whole period in time) and without much thought gulped them down.
I don't really remember much from that evening only that we were at a friends house whose mom was away on vacation and that while I was there I really needed to pee. In my memory, the toilet water was red and I recall myself finding that pretty odd.
I wake up the next morning with my face stuck to the wooden floor, the son of the house owner pulling my sleeve.
"I have to show you something" he said. He walked me to his mother's bedroom, where there was a nice yellow stain on the wall and yes, red carpet on the floor. Apparently someone heard a noise in the room that night, only to open the door and finding me with my pants down in the dark, getting ready to settle myself on one of the chairs ready for act n°2, inarticulatly screaming my head off at him for "coming into the toilet".
I can laugh about my own stupidity now, but that sort of thing is a reputation maker. Those kind of combos are also dangerous, sedatives, downers, alcohol, E, speed, mdma. We did those things almost on a daily basis (not necessarily combo's) but but we didn't give that kind of thought a chance back then. Youghtful ignorance I guess. Most of us got through the loophole, some didn't. Though lessons learnt.