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Bufotenine Extraction

Migrated topic.
ahh its just one test...SWIM is still trying to figure out a simple way of purifying the bufo from d-limo tek further..because he vaporized some in a test tube and it left some residue..not sure what it is..but hes gonna see if he can grow some crystals in some slowly evaporating MEK...and will try acetone and maybe some ethanol..

that should purify it a LITTLE bit..

the reason he says this..is because when SWIM puts some of his bufo in MEK..there seems to always be little something that doesnt get absorb by it...which is strange...because this stuff came out of boiling d-limonene...

so what he did was he took all his bufo..yes all of it...and put it in a shot glass full of MEK...it may have been around 2g bufotenine in about 30ml MEK...the MEK turned very amber in color...he let everything settle...and then poured the amber MEK into another shot glass..then..with the solids that didnt get absorbed he poured another 20ml of MEK on top of them...now the interesting part is that there are still solids on the bottom..BUT the MEK is almost more yellow than amber now..its extremely light compared to the first one..so something is happening here that SWIM cant explain..

either the first MEK pull got more of the toxins out..and left the cleaner bufo...or it took the bufo and left more toxins that arent soluble in MEK...its hard to say...so SWIM is going to let these two different pulls evap..and see which one comes out cleaner..and then he'll have to test them..

he will probably do one more pull on the solids and see if he can get anything else to come out...

SWIM would have to say..that bufotenine purification is one difficult thing to do...SWIM can do the same EXACT thing three different times and come up with three different purities...

he can do a MEK:heptane pull once..and end up with fluffy white crystals...and he hasnt been able to do it again...not once...

EDIT: so the third pull..SWIM says is even LIGHTER than the second almost clear..but there are still solids..what are these solids..and where did they come from..and its not like there are just a few little chunks..it could be something like half a gram of material..

so SWIM is going to evaporate that MEK and see what comes out..and then dry out those solids to see what color they are..and what they smell like when vaporized...because SWIM personally is through with smoking toxins
SpasticSpaz said:
Hmm, that's frustrating.

I guess sticking to Jorkest's method is the way to go.
How come? Didn't say the extraction failed, just that it was tarry. Besides, your bufotenine extraction was pretty potent, right?

I'd say we need to work more on the 'spastic tec'.

Jorkest said:
Yes, meaning you burn the seed at higher temperatures or for a longer time. Toast it until it smells burned and the internals of the seed is black and very brittle. Should remove the toxins.
ahh...and you know somebody who then just ate the seeds and had a nice experience!? that is interesting indeed...
SWIM did a CASA (citric acid) on previously limonene extracted dark stuff. A lot of stuffed precipitated (around 1g), SWIM was excited... the precipitate appeared to be a dark sticky gum. SWIM added some calcium carbonate, wet, dried and put it in boiling limonene.
Limonene was evaporated and left less than 300 mg of something that did'nt want to fully dry. The limonene was not able to dissolve a glossy tar that remains.
Bioassay showed that the brown gum stuff is somehow psychoactive (seems less active that a previous naphta:MEK extract), but burning it showed also that a noticeable amount of material ashes remained so the limo->CASA->limo is far to be a pure product and it is quite harsh on SWIM lungs.
Getting fluffy crystals is still a dream for SWIM...
ive got a pretty good method for breaking the crystal structure and releasing xylene trapped in dmt and jungle spice extractions... you just get an id card or something and scrape it when its still slightly wet and then wipe it back on the pan wait for a little and do it again and again until it gets harder to scrape... it should turn a lighter color too... keep doing this until its flakey and has a soap consistancy and all the xylene should be out. hope it works for bufo... someone should be getting some seeds in today

also, would bufo acetate be soluble in acetone?

That's probably true. SWIM just doesn't like other people potentially getting the error part of the trial-and-error inherent to refining a tek, especially if a tried-and-true method is out there. SWIM somewhat wishes in hindsight that he had perfected the tek a bit more before posting.

Also, the word "tarry" for SWIM conjures up a black tarry extract that produced nasty projectile vomiting when bioassayed. Not good memories.
hahaha Spaz...thats funny...so much puking when testing out bufo extracts for the first times..ahhahahaha makes SWIM laugh...not at you...but at his own memories of it...hehehehehe

and not sure about bufo acetate...might be a good test..

and xylene almost tends to stick to the alkies...but SWIM has used that method before to dry crystals..but there will always be a hint of solvent in anything you extract...so its best to finish with a solvent you arent to worried about ingesting minute amounts of
SpasticSpaz said:
Also, the word "tarry" for SWIM conjures up a black tarry extract that produced nasty projectile vomiting when bioassayed. Not good memories.
I wonder if the tarry substance can be removed by either gelatin or egg whites...I know that when I use it on mimosa it tends to trap similar compounds in the precipitate. Something to try out some day :)

Besides, the tarry substance may very well have come over when pouring off the limonene. Another round of limonene may very well clean it up. Will try that.
SWIM just did a tek posted by spasticspaz in the Smoking Colubrina Seeds thread in Other Entheogens, to his own honest provisions:

Cracked/dried 10g seeds in oven at 250F for 45 min, then at 450F for 15 min
Added ~3g(?) calcium hydroxide (eye balled 1/3 versus 10g crushed seeds)
Added (too much) water to the mix (it was liquidy)
But Evaporated/Dried in oven at 130F for 40 minutes, then at 450F for 10 min
Moved to a glass container with a lid
Added 190ml acetone to the mix and shaked periodically for 1 hr
Decanted acetone into a dish
Added 180ml acetone to the mix and shaked periodically for 1 hr
Decanted acetone with previous acetone into dish (this time when all the liquid was pouring, some of the powder that was not sticking to the bottom of the glass was basically impossible not to follow in the acetone..a coffee filter was not proving to help at all.. this wouldn't make a big difference in the tek after the forthcoming evaporation would it? ..SWIM experienced this same "predicament" with previous bufo tek attempts...)
Evaporated in oven at 200F for 2 hours

After evaporating at the end for 2 hours what is left is tar-ish, and glossy in the middle, not unlike how described previously in this thread... But SWIM put the dish back in the oven at only 100-250F for about 4 hours to try to get it drier, and then scraped - it's really a kind of thick syrupy viscosity that won't run, but doesn't seem collectable. SWIM can't really pick it up or anything, it just sticks to whatever touches it. Will it eventually dry out in the oven at this temp?

So is this actually a crude bufotenine extract? Smokable, snortable, pluggable :shock:, but not effective orally, right:?:

Also, after have used the aforementioned tek, can SWIM use food grade d-limonene on his yield to any purifiying effect, or would it be a waste/damaging? ..Would he just simmer a small amount, add the bufotenine for 5 minutes, turn off heat, then toss the limonene & keep the tar?
What you have there will be bufotenine with other alkaloids and toxins.

I'd highly recommend purifying further.

SWIM tried smoking an impure extract and it wasn't making him nauseous but it wasn't potent enough to do the job.
soulfood said:
What you have there will be bufotenine with other alkaloids and toxins.

I'd highly recommend purifying further.

SWIM tried smoking an impure extract and it wasn't making him nauseous but it wasn't potent enough to do the job.

Ah. SWIM wasn't sure of the present toxin amount, as he had read that toasting the seeds before and after basifying removes the toxins. Although... SWIM only "toasted" at 450F in the oven for about 15 minutes each time..

But, as SWIY implies, purifying SWIM's extract would still make this more potent. How exactly, if possible, would SWIM purify this with limonene? He wouldn't want to screw up this late, and may just attempt purifying part of his yield..
A friend of mine put some sticky black stuff extracted from yopo seed with misc solvents (MEK, limonene) in a jar.
Fresh limonene is poured in that jar.
That jar is placed in a saucepan with vegetable oil around it. The saucepan is heated, the oil do not boil but the limonene do (warning, dangerous, burning spills can be projected).
This is left boiling for at least 20 mn !

The limonene is poured in another jar. Still remain some very black solid, looking close to charcoal (not sticky at all).
I guess this black stuff is mainly imputities from the seeds.

Naphta is slowly added to the limonene (few ml) which precipitate again into some dark brown sticky thing (but quite solid), weighted 340 mg

Sticky solid is dissolved in 25 ml of MEK. Everything get dissolved ! The liquid is dark brown.
My friend think that less MEK could have done it but it's not easy to work with less liquid.
The same amount of naphta was added, jar was shaked. After a while, there was two distinct layers, most part was amber liquid, the bottom was more dense and very dark.
Top liquid was poured of and evaporated. A crystaline material remain and looks much better than the dark sticky stuff. It look likes brown gold, slightly shining, not sticky at all... but that makes only 80 mg.

My friend guess that less naphta can be used, so more usefull alkaloid would remain in the mix MEK+naphta.

What my friend find interresting is that naphta can be used to pull of the goodies from MEK or limonene.

However, my friend is also working on a completly different way to purify the dark stuff which requires very slow evaporation but which looks quite promising :) !
swim got some crystally tan stuff from this one tek and swim let it sit out exposed to air and in a few hours it was black.

wtf. the black stuff was psychoactive, not visual, with a nice body high, and sleep forcefully following.

the black stuff was run through casa and sodium carbonate added. a small round dot smoked, followed by some of the original black stuff snorted, followed by 1 shot of liquer provided an extremely euphoric experience with slight visuals.

something happened to the tan powder that the air caused.
mapp said:
soulfood said:
What you have there will be bufotenine with other alkaloids and toxins.

I'd highly recommend purifying further.

SWIM tried smoking an impure extract and it wasn't making him nauseous but it wasn't potent enough to do the job.

Ah. SWIM wasn't sure of the present toxin amount, as he had read that toasting the seeds before and after basifying removes the toxins. Although... SWIM only "toasted" at 450F in the oven for about 15 minutes each time..
I don't think there is much, if any toxins left. The heating should take care of it.
69ron said:
* Coarsely grind 100 grams of Vilca seeds.
* Add 1 part pickling lime (calcium hydroxide) and mix in enough water to make it wet. NOTE: sodium carbonate works as a substitute for lime in all steps of this extraction tech.
* Mix for about 10 minutes and let it dry completely. There must not be any water present at all before going to the next step.
* Dissolve the mix in 500 ml of dry acetone. Filter out the solids. Repeat with more acetone until the acetone is nearly clear.
* Evaporate the acetone down to about 100 ml.
* Add 10% citric acid solution to the acetone until no more precipitation is seen. It will take about 30 ml of 10% citric acid solution for 100 grams of seeds. NOTE: to make the citric acid solution, dissolve 10 grams of citric acid in 100 ml of dry acetone. I will take a while for the citric acid to dissolve in the acetone, so prepare this solution several hours ahead of time.
* Carefully pour out the acetone leaving behind the precipitates. Discard the acetone.
* Dry the precipitates completely leaving crude bufotenine citrate and other junk. Bufotenine citrate is a goo and not very active. You don’t want it in this form.
* Slowly mix in lime until the goo becomes a dry powder. Then add water to make the mix wet and mix for about 10 minutes and let the mix dry completely. There must not be any water present at all before going to the next step.
* Grind the mix to a powder. Dissolve in 100 ml acetone and filter out the solids. Repeat with more acetone until the acetone is nearly clear.
* Evaporate the collected acetone to get nearly pure freebase bufotenine.

Hi! I have some quick questions

How pure is "nearly pure" using this tek? Will there be enough nasty stuff to make me nasious? color of end product?
Also, what would be a typical yield using this tek only?...if all goes well...

Thank you for your time =)
imPsimon said:
69ron said:
* Coarsely grind 100 grams of Vilca seeds.
* Add 1 part pickling lime (calcium hydroxide) and mix in enough water to make it wet. NOTE: sodium carbonate works as a substitute for lime in all steps of this extraction tech.
* Mix for about 10 minutes and let it dry completely. There must not be any water present at all before going to the next step.
* Dissolve the mix in 500 ml of dry acetone. Filter out the solids. Repeat with more acetone until the acetone is nearly clear.
* Evaporate the acetone down to about 100 ml.
* Add 10% citric acid solution to the acetone until no more precipitation is seen. It will take about 30 ml of 10% citric acid solution for 100 grams of seeds. NOTE: to make the citric acid solution, dissolve 10 grams of citric acid in 100 ml of dry acetone. I will take a while for the citric acid to dissolve in the acetone, so prepare this solution several hours ahead of time.
* Carefully pour out the acetone leaving behind the precipitates. Discard the acetone.
* Dry the precipitates completely leaving crude bufotenine citrate and other junk. Bufotenine citrate is a goo and not very active. You don’t want it in this form.
* Slowly mix in lime until the goo becomes a dry powder. Then add water to make the mix wet and mix for about 10 minutes and let the mix dry completely. There must not be any water present at all before going to the next step.
* Grind the mix to a powder. Dissolve in 100 ml acetone and filter out the solids. Repeat with more acetone until the acetone is nearly clear.
* Evaporate the collected acetone to get nearly pure freebase bufotenine.

Hi! I have some quick questions

How pure is "nearly pure" using this tek? Will there be enough nasty stuff to make me nasious? color of end product?
Also, what would be a typical yield using this tek only?...if all goes well...

Thank you for your time =)

It depends on the seeds used. The nauseating stuff is an alkaloid. That tech isolates all the citrate alkaloids that are insoluble in acetone which includes bufotenine, and unfortunately that also includes the nasty head pressure and nausea causing alkaloid(s). You’ll need to do a xylene boil or something similar to get rid of the nasty alkaloids.
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